Crazy Day

Crazy Day

April 21, 2020 Off By Lisa

It was a Monday kind of Tuesday. 

Ellis sat on the bus with hat in his hands and briefcase on his lap as he did on any other normal Tuesday. But this Tuesday was about to get as unnormal as it possibly could. 

Ellis waited patiently for his stop. Standing silently when it was his turn, he placed his hat on his head, nodded to the driver, descended the steps, and landed squarely in a bowl of tomato soup. 

“Finally! You’ve arrived!” said a well-dressed platypus on a raft. 

“Yes.” Ellis blinked in the greenish sunlight.

“Let’s get started.”


The Flash Fiction Challenge, hosted by lead buckaroo Charli Mills at Carrot Ranch, challenges writers to spin a tale in just 99 words.

This week’s prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story about something crazy. Laugh like crazy, show the setting of stir-crazy or go off the rails on a crazy train. Have fun with the word and the situation, but go where the prompt leads!

Click on the link here to join us, read some stories and find out how to share your own.


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