Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Cosmic Pool

“OK, last game – rack ’em up,” Cal said, “and let’s see how your hustle holds up.” He leaned coolly against the paneling in the close, dim room and chalked his cue with a deliberate eye on his opponent, studying every glance and gesture with purpose. Eddie – or The Shark, as he liked to introduce…

By Lisa May 18, 2017 Off

The Perfect Thing

“I would give just about anything for a cheeseburger right now,” I said, thinking of that perfect state of meltiness achieved by marrying hot, juicy beef to cool, creamy cheese. I drove on, debating whether pulling into the drive-thru was wise. After a moment, a small voice chirped from the back seat of the car.…

By Lisa May 16, 2017 Off

At the End of the Day

What was I thinking when I said I’d write this post? I’m not even sure how I ended up being the supplier of the prompt except by accident. One minute I said I’m probably not writing about this, and the next thing I knew, Kristi said “will you” and I love her, so I said…

By Lisa May 12, 2017 Off


The relentless beep beep beep of the monitor had taunted Tom for hours now; it was more than he could bear. He buried his face in his hands attempting to hide from the truth, but the cold blue light from the screens found him like a searchlight in the dark room. How did we end up here?   He…

By Lisa May 11, 2017 Off

Kitchen Healing

“What’s for dinner?” I asked, mounting the yellow Cosco stool in the corner of the kitchen. “Tuna casserole. Bad day?” chop chop She always knew. “Yeah.” “You’ll have more.” Her eyes never left the cutting board, but her attention was fully on me. I felt tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. “I…

By Lisa May 9, 2017 Off

Start With Thankfulness

How often do you think, “I don’t know where to start…”? I find myself there often. I am very good at over-planning and under-estimating how long it will actually take to execute my plans. It’s something I know about myself, and even though I work to strike a more reasonable balance, I’m still learning. My…

By Lisa May 8, 2017 Off

All The Things I Tell Myself

I am not where I imagined I would be at this point in my life. When this topic came up at dinner a while ago, my husband asked me to promise I would not host a self-pity party. I told him I would do no such thing because some lies just cannot be told. Even as…

By Lisa May 5, 2017 Off

Sturm und Drang

The sky bore down heavily on the farm all day, threatening at every moment to unleash its fury on the animals and fields. Peggy spent most of her day monitoring the barnyard, shooing animals into their pens, and keeping a watchful eye on the sky – there would be no time left to tend to…

By Lisa May 4, 2017 Off

Silent Leaving

“Can’t imagine spending life with anyone else,” the old woman said. The rocking chairs creaked. A groundhog lumbered nearby. Such similar creatures are we, thought the old man. Eat, hibernate, mate, hibernate some more. He had left her long ago, retreated into dreams of another life. “Yep,” he said. “Imagine.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This post was written for the…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off

We Contain Multitudes – Open Thought Vortex

When you consider the word heritage, what comes to mind? Ancestry research and registries? Family photographs? Cultural traditions? For me, heritage is about more than where we came from or the people who lived before us. Heritage is about who we were yesterday…who we are right now…and who we are yet to become. It is about…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off