Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Finding Your Peace

I’ve noticed a trend. It’s nothing earth-shattering or headline-prompting like you’re probably thinking. The trend at the moment is simply that I, despite all good intentions to the contrary, have managed to miss hitting Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday link-up deadline for three weeks running. The reasons are varied, but the end result is the same.…

By Lisa February 19, 2017 Off

Six Sentence Stories – Beneath the Surface

She stretched herself out and waited to feel herself floating, noticing the fading light and the chill of the light breeze skipping across her skin. She began to sink slowly, the breeze and all sound disappeared as the surface broke, then closed again overhead. Darkness grew ever closer, rushing up from below to meet her even as…

By Lisa February 18, 2017 Off

A Brief Expression of Fluish Thankfulness

I woke up this morning with an overwhelming thought: I need to write. I often feel that way, so this isn’t something new or surprising. What was remarkable this time was that I haven’t sat to write or do anything else for about the last five days since our home got hit with the dreaded flu. Yup,…

By Lisa February 15, 2017 Off

The Bakery

The smell was exactly the same as it was forty years ago – the doughy comfort of freshly-baked bread and crescent rolls mingled with the sugary sweetness of coffee cake, shoo-fly pie, and the best cream or jelly-filled doughnuts ever made. Instantly transported through time, I was seven years old standing with my cousin, noses pressed up…

By Lisa February 9, 2017 Off

Hello. It’s Been A While. (A Ten Things of Thankful Post)

It’s a good thing I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution to post here more. Somehow I got out of the habit of delivering any finished product to this page. It’s not for lack of ideas or inspiration; I have a ton of things drafted and scribbled in my notebooks. They somehow just don’t make…

By Lisa February 5, 2017 Off

So I Did a Thing…

I did it. I entered a short story writing competition. Yes. I. Did. I’m not sure what I was thinking, exactly, other than maybe “why the hell not?” And so I did it. At the last possible second, of course, right up against the deadline. But anyone who knows me at all will not be…

By Lisa February 5, 2017 Off

My World at Night

I’ve never been good at sleeping. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had trouble sleeping for one reason or another. Maybe it’s time to just admit I’m a lifelong insomniac. But whatever the cause, I often find myself awake at night when the rest of my immediate world is asleep. I’d love to…

By Lisa January 15, 2017 Off

Reveille – A Six Sentence Story

There would be no battle today. Try as he might to muster the troops, they were slow to form this morning and did not show face; they knew there was no real penalty for showing up late, aside from the steep one he would impose upon himself for failing to make them comply. But that was…

By Lisa January 13, 2017 Off

The Market – A Six Sentence Story

Walking into the market always felt like coming home. As soon as she stepped through the swinging double doors, her feet knew precisely where to go. For the last fifteen years, they walked the same path, stopped at the same favorite vendors, and never really wondered why – maybe her mother walked the same path…

By Lisa January 12, 2017 Off

The Turning of the Page

I don’t necessarily believe in putting the past behind me. I suppose I do to a point; there are simply some things upon which it is fruitless to dwell. We certainly cannot change the past, but for better or worse, our past remains forever a part of who and where we are today. At the…

By Lisa January 2, 2017 Off