Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

An Awareness of Smaller Moments – #10Thankful

I always think it’s interesting how – or when – certain moments strike my awareness. I spent all weekend half-thinking about writing this TToT in the back of my mind, but never quite sat to do it. It’s not that I don’t have much for which I’m thankful, it’s that every time I tried to come up…

By Lisa October 24, 2016 Off

An Easier Life – #10Thankful

Life is hard. My daughter tells me of things she thinks are hard: Homework, carrying a heavy school bag, and waking up early for school are hard. Sometimes math is hard or getting along with other kids. She’s right; those things are hard. We talk about why they are hard and how to make them more bearable or…

By Lisa October 16, 2016 Off

Building a Legacy – #10Thankful

Legacy. So often, when we think of the word legacy, we end up at the definition about what property is left behind in a will or a particular online obituary site. Honestly, though, neither of those are where my mind goes first. When I think of a legacy, I think of the more abstract, intangible gifts from…

By Lisa October 10, 2016 Off

Hidden Richness – A Soup of the Week Post

I used to hate eggplant. I think it has something to do with an overcooked eggplant Parmesan somewhere in my youth. But eggplant being much like anything else, once we have a bad experience, we tend to forever loathe and avoid the offending situation – or vegetable, as the case may be. Since joining our local…

By Lisa October 5, 2016 Off

A Sense of Home – #10Thankful

I’ve been thinking a lot about home lately. Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt this week was “when it comes to home…” So, naturally, I spent time thinking about the idea of home. And while I procrastinated pondered, I took a look at the things I had saved for my #10Thankful post last this week. Many were simple…

By Lisa September 26, 2016 Off

Our Inherent Good – A #1000Speak Post

We can easily strike up a debate about the inherent nature of humans. Are we inherently good? Or are qualities like goodness, kindness, and compassion learned behaviors? Are they the product of nature or nurture? It’s easy to look at today’s headlines about the tragic events plaguing our world, and say no, there is no good.  …

By Lisa September 23, 2016 Off

Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 7

Jack’s mind rocketed back and forth through time grasping at fragments of memory as he lay trapped inside his own pain, half hoping for death. His only escape was to linger in moments when he was happy, when he held Andie close and breathed her deeply as though he could draw her inside of him. The fire in his lungs reminded him of…

By Lisa September 23, 2016 Off


I’ve forgotten how closely she watches me. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember when she’s engrossed in a book or staring at a movie. It’s difficult to remember when she’s hunched over her Legos, brows furrowed as she figures out the best combination of bricks to make the structure she sees in her mind take shape in this…

By Lisa September 18, 2016 Off

Six Sentence Stories – A Bark in the Night

“Does that damn dog ever stop barking?” Tim grumbled as he threw back the covers and stuffed his feet into the moccasins sitting at the ready beside his bed. The neighbors bought the dog back in the spring and for some reason, it hated the husband – not that anyone else on the block could stand him –…

By Lisa September 15, 2016 Off