Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 5

A slow death by exsanguination would pass more quickly than the silence that lay between them. Jack held his breath, partly because it had become nearly impossible to inhale without pain searing his lungs, but mostly because doing so would move time forward and he didn’t want to live in a moment when she didn’t know him.…

By Lisa April 28, 2016 Off

#10Thankful – The Show is Over

Is it wrong that I’m in my pajamas at 8:00 PM? Today has been an exciting and tiring day and honestly? I really kind of want to go to bed. Like now. But first, I need to slip in a few items of thankfulness… First, I am so grateful to have been part of the…

By Lisa April 24, 2016 Off

TToT – On the Mend

I was really prepared this week. I had my TToT drafted and pretty much ready to go on Friday morning already. FRIDAY MORNING, people! That never happens. I said to myself, “Self, you can post this quick later tonight. You need to grab your keys and get your butt out of here.” And then…stuff started…

By Lisa April 17, 2016 Off

The Why Behind My Words

My Husband tells me I think in words. Now you’re wondering, doesn’t everyone?  No, I don’t believe that is true.     Some of us do think in words; we find sense and structure in our world via letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs. Others may think in pictures and see the world laid out in visual…

By Lisa April 10, 2016 Off

TToT – By the Numbers, Sort Of

Well, it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? I took an intentional week off for Holy Week and Easter and then all hell broke loose. It all started with some beautiful spring blooming…and pollen. Allergy season entered our lives in full force.     So here we are, now three weeks, three head colds, one sinus…

By Lisa April 8, 2016 Off

Choose Happiness – A #1000Speak Post

What makes you happy? No, it’s not a trick question. I’m serious. Sit down. Close your eyes and think about it for a few minutes. Now, answer the question: What makes you happy?     The answer, of course, will differ for everyone. The things, experiences, even people that bring us joy are as varied as we are.…

By Lisa March 20, 2016 Off