1000Speak – Nurturing the Self
No one wants to be called selfish. We want people to say that we are generous and other-centered. We want people to call us kind and compassionate. We want to actually be all of these things. We are taught that it is good to be selfless. But we misinterpret that. Look at the word – selfless.…
TToT – Between All the Things
Until this afternoon, I have only been home to sleep. We are on the go! If I’m getting this TToT in at all, it has to be right now while we’re home for a few hours in between all the things. Here we go…
Love in Ten Lines – Simple Love
Some of my dear bloggy friends, Ivy at Uncharted and Christina and Tony at The Plagued Parent tapped me for the Ten Lines about Love poetry challenge (or whatever the actual name is). I put it on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it. Then I wrote the poem and promptly forgot about it. So…
Rotten Cat Wednesday
This is Cat One. When I took this photo, he was howling at me because the laundry basket was in “his” spot at the foot of our bed. And here he is happy after I removed the offending basket. After the photo, he immediately proceeded to lick himself enthusiastically. Nobody needs to see that. Here…