Music for the Long and Winding Road
It’s here! It’s Wednesday and time to share the cool surprise I’ve been hinting at all week. Today, friends, I am doing my first-ever guest blog post! *thunk* Sorry – I just had to pick myself up off the floor. This is just so cool. Today you can find me over at Pat DiCesare’s blog, Pat…
Moving Forward – A 1000Speak Postlude
So here we are, more than a week later. A great many of us have been riding the wave of good feeling that has come from the 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion project and it has been a wild ride indeed. I have read dozens and dozens of posts by so many wonderful people and believe me,…
TToT – Hang On for the Wild Ride of Change
Sometimes I have more emotions than I can handle. This week has been a particularly emotional roller coaster ride, full of ups and downs. Just about the time I thought things were moving along well, BOOM! Life throws those twists and loops in when you least expect them.
Wordless Wednesday – No Words Here
I’m with the gang over at Eli’s place today for his monthly 6 Words roundup. February is Friendship month so we’re talking about the six words you never want to hear from a friend. Click over to Coach Daddy and see what everyone has to say!
Progress and Change
I would love to write something profound and witty for you today. In the interest of efficiency and a need for a good night’s sleep, however, I’m opting for simple. In the next few days, I will be rolling out some changes for the blog and I wanted you to have a bit of a…
TToT – House-Warming
I am losing my patience with winter. I know, I know. Everyone is tired of it and everyone is cold and nobody wants to hear anyone else complain anymore. I agree. We are house-bound today due to both weather and illness, so I turned to my good friend Thoreau for some help. Because if I…
Compassion Is Hard – A 1000Speak Confession
Compassion is hard. To feel a sincere sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others? That’s hard. To feel that along with a strong desire to ease the suffering? Harder still. It is far easier to push those feelings way down inside of us and it is much easier to pretend we…
It’s Coming!
Something great is about to happen. Something wonderful and powerful has been brewing and it is about to explode. For the last month, bloggers from all over the globe have been talking and writing and connecting with one another…preparing to flood the Internet with goodness. On February 20, 2015, United Nations World Day of Social Justice, one…
Four More Birds Down
I have been holding out on you. Maybe it’s more like I got backed up and put this away under “I’ll do that tomorrow” and…didn’t. In the last couple of weeks the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award flew around the blogosphere and many of us tagged and were tagged in return. I have to…
One From the Archives – Every Day Love
This post originally ran on the blog on February 15, 2014. It’s worth saying again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’ve been thinking a lot about love the last couple of days. For starters, there’s that rather large and obvious thing called Valentine’s Day that has just passed us by. Kinda can’t miss that. Love it or hate it,…