A Better Way to Think About Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is pretty stupid. But even so, I still kind of love Valentine’s Day. We don’t do a huge hearts and flowers and romantic Valentine’s dinner thing here. Are you kidding? We don’t do that ever. The Hub and I are two of those people who think the whole once-a-year-over-romanticized-retail-driven-frenzy of Valentine’s day is nonsense.…
TToT – Coldness and Light
I do not like the short dark days of winter. OK, I really just don’t like winter. I can handle cold if it means above freezing. I don’t mind snow if I’m inside and it’s not in the double digits of measurable snowfall. But when the temperature reads in the single digits and the snow…
This One Time I Laughed So Hard I Couldn’t Breathe – A Finish the Sentence Friday Five
BOOM! Would you look at what I did up there with that title? I couldn’t decide if I should do a Finish the Sentence Friday post or my Friday Five this week. So you know what? I’m doing both. Together. In one post. Let’s roll… This one time, I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.…
Why I Can’t Tell You My #1000Speak Topic
I have so many things to say about compassion. And yet I can’t speak. I am stunned at the response to the 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion initiative and am so excited to be a part of it. And yet, since we launched the effort about a month ago I haven’t had much to say…
Smoothie Scandal (And A Soup of the Week Update)
I have been the victim of a smoothie scandal. OK, it was not exactly a scandal, but it could have been for like five minutes. Remember a couple of months ago I did a post about Williams Sonoma asking me to be part of their Smoothie Week? Well I was of course flattered and kind…
TToT – The Dance of the SGV
I need to go lie down. Seriously. I was on my way out the door to Zilla’s school to volunteer in the library today and all of a sudden…sick. Blah. Not the best way to start off a list of thankfuls, is it? But let’s go with that for a second.
FTSF – The Memory That Haunts Me
The memory that haunts me is the one I do not have. My memories don’t haunt me. I do not live my life with regrets. OK, maybe if pressed for something I would change, I’ll admit that I probably should have stuck with the piano lessons and taken better care of my teeth. I don’t…
Once Upon a Year or Two Ago
Sometimes it’s nice to take a look at where we’ve been. Every now and then I take a look through photo albums, old letters, piles of filing in my office that need to be handled…but I haven’t done much backward observation here on my blog. Today’s as good a day as any, so come along…
Soup of the Week – Spiced Cauliflower and Sudden Growth
I am alone today. I was alone yesterday, too. Kidzilla is in school for the second day in a row with no snow day or delayed start. The Hub’s ankle is feeling better and he went back to work yesterday. I and the Rotten Cats are quietly and peacefully doing our thing. I miss them,…
Awards Time – AKA Potentially Useless But Interesting Information About Me
My Mother always told me that if someone offers you a gift or a compliment, it’s just good manners to accept it. So that’s what I’m doing here today. Miss Lizzi of Considerings offered me both a giftie and a compliment all at the same time by tagging me in this Sisterhood of the World…