Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Conversations with Kidzilla – How to Have a Happy Marriage

I love having conversations with my daughter. For starters, Zilla is a rather skilled conversationalist for a six-year-old. The kid knows how to have a discussion. She also has a wicked sense of humor and near-perfect comedic timing and delivery. She often stops me dead in my tracks with a snappy one-liner. But in addition…

By Lisa January 20, 2015 Off

1000 Voices Speak for Compassion

In a million years, I never thought I would be part of something like this. I was never a joiner. I didn’t belong to a whole lot of clubs in school. I didn’t run for student council. I was just sort of quietly part of my one or two things, did them with gusto, stayed…

By Lisa January 19, 2015 Off

TToT – Running Smoothly

Well, I think we may finally be up and running smoothly for the year. Even with a snow day Monday and Kidzilla home not feeling well Tuesday, the regular routine seems to be in place once again. And maybe even with some improvements in the works – who knows? I’m excited to get this list…

By Lisa January 17, 2015 Off

Friday Five – Bet You Didn’t Know…

I’ve been cooking up a few new ideas for the blog. Now that we’re into the new year, I’m hoping to start incorporating them. Don’t expect a monster blog reveal or a big announcement about stuff. I’m just going to start sliding them in and see how things go. So if you like something, let me know?…

By Lisa January 16, 2015 Off

Sage Advice

My Grandfather was one of the wisest men I’ve ever known. He did not boast a wall full of advanced degrees. He was not a world traveler. He did not discover new planets or develop advanced technology. But he was a man who gained wisdom through experience and in turn, was glad to pass on…

By Lisa January 15, 2015 Off

Soup of the Week: Spicy Butternut & Vegetable ‘Stoup’ and Giving Things Another Try

Several years ago, my Mom had a fairly extended period of kitchen experimentation. In those pre-Pinterest days, Mom would sit with her impressive cookbook collection and look for new meals to prepare for our family. She liked to find new and different ways to prepare fairly standard ingredients. My Mom is a great cook. Most of…

By Lisa January 13, 2015 Off

What Was that Word Again?

About this time last year, I chose my One Word for 2014. Well, maybe I re-chose it. Or perhaps it chose me. My word was Focus. I knew I had not reached all of my goals in the area of improving my focus during 2013, so I wanted to recommit. And I did. I worked on…

By Lisa January 11, 2015 Off

TToT – The Non-Routine Routine

My disappearance this week was not intentional. In fact, I had all sorts of great ideas planned for this space – and most were actually in a semi-written state. But somehow the first week back on routine went a little awry and I ended up with a cold to boot. Two of the five school…

By Lisa January 10, 2015 Off

TToT – Soft Landing

Our start to the New Year has been a very soft landing. I think I first heard the term used in conversation when one of Kidzilla’s preschool teachers talked about giving the children a “soft landing” routine in the morning. At the time I thought, “OK whatever,” but it’s actually a nice concept. And here in…

By Lisa January 2, 2015 Off

New Year’s Wishes

Eli over at Coach Daddy has us ringing in the new year with our wishes for 2015. I’m thrilled to be part of a great roundup of bloggers with so many funny and wise thoughts. Click over and take a look at what they have to offer. Coach Daddy – New Year’s Wishes, in 6 Words…

By Lisa December 31, 2014 Off