Soup of the Week – Teaser Edition
I did not exactly think this week’s soup post through very clearly. I had every intention of posting a new recipe today and invited everyone here for a soup recipe today. I tempted you with a lovely cream of broccoli recipe. But then I realized that I did not make any new soup last week while…
The TToT of Being Sick
I couldn’t think of anything else to call this. I started my list early in the week and added items as they occurred. This morning I realized that most of my items this week center on my ongoing respiratory issues. So there it is – The TToT of Being Sick. Still. Photos…I have none. I haven’t been outside the…
TToT – Light at the End of the Tunnel?
Could there be light at the end of the tunnel with this upper respiratory nonsense? I thought I was pulling out of it earlier in the week and then Kidzilla came home from school at 10:30 on Monday morning with School Crud – that’s the technical term for whatever respiratory germ a particular school building is…
Six Words on Wordless Wednesday – But Not Here
I’m joining in today with Eli at Coach Daddy for his Six Words post. This month we’re talking about the things we’re “chicken” of. You’ll find me at #40 and you’ll see some other familiar names on the list as well. Hop over and join the fun! In the meantime, I leave you with a…
Soup of the Week Returns! – Sweet Red Pepper Soup
I love soup. All the time. I like to make a pot of something and keep it around for lunches and quick dinners during the week. But somehow I got out of the habit. Maybe it was all this business of starting jobs and ending jobs that we had this summer. Maybe it was back at…
TToT – A Positive Week (Except for the Allergies)
I’m going with an approach that has worked for TToT posting before…adding things as they happen during the week. First, I am (as of Tuesday morning) feeling better than I was even 48 hours ago. My smoothies have clearly done their work. I am less congested, coughing far less than I’ve been in the last…
What’s Next On My Reading List?
I don’t read enough. Well, actually, I read all the time – a news article here, a blog post there, and my daily dose of whatever Kidzilla is reading aloud. But all too often lately, I don’t get to sit and read something of my choosing for any extended period of time. Or maybe it’s just that…
So What Are You Doing Now?
That is the question of the moment in my world right now. Last week I started to feel a little better and actually got out into the human world. By now, the school year is rolling along without me standing in front of the classroom I’ve inhabited for the last fourteen years and people know…
TToT – A Big One
We have a big one to be thankful for this week, friends. Huge. The Hub’s got himself a great big full time position! It’s the same one he’s had, but we’ve moved from a part-time/temporary status to extending the term to the year to full time. That’s right. Full. Time. Job. That really ought to…
One Good Turn Deserves Another
If you’re going to call someone out on something, you should probably be prepared to put your money where your mouth is, so to speak. I checked in with Lizzi the other day because, while she is far from being absent to her blog, it seemed unusual not to see a post from her in…