TToT – Mexican Delicacies and a Love Letter of Sorts
Contrary to popular rumor, I have neither left the country or this life. I have, however, been sick with round two of whatever horrible allergy-induced respiratory nonsense I’ve had lurking the last couple of weeks. I’m sure it’s allergies because, well, the symptoms just don’t add up to anything else and…corn smut. Yup, corn smut.…
TToT – Summer’s Fast and Final Blast
How can a week go by so quickly and so slowly at the same time? Somehow, these last two weeks have flown by in exactly that manner and Labor Day is upon us. We’ve had a wonderful last bit of summer, even if it did go by a little too quickly. Zilla and I have spent…
TToT – Disappearing Act
I know, I know. I got everybody all excited about my big job move, promised I would explain in more detail what I’ll be doing next…and then completely – and unintentionally – disappeared from this space all week. I felt sort of “eh” on Saturday afternoon last week. I figured I was just tired from our amusement…
TToT – A Dizzying Week
There is certainly no dearth of thankfulness this week! So many things have happened – and happened well, at that. It’s been a good week all around. Kind of a head-spinning week, really. So while I have much to be thankful for, I found it sort of overwhelming to sort it all out, put it…
The Open Door
I have tried for days to write this post. I have wanted to write this post for months. I practiced it in my head. OK, I had one line down, but still. This should not have been the post that I struggled to write. It kind of bothers me because rarely, if ever, do I…
TToT – Taking Care of Business
I am late to the party this week, but I’m here! It’s been a very eventful week and there is much to do in the week ahead. For now, I want to pause for just a few minutes and make note of the week’s highlights. There is much for which to be thankful… First, on a…
What I’ll Miss About This Summer
There has been far too much heavy discussion around here this week. And heavy thinking. Today I need to turn my focus to something a bit less stressful. So let’s talk summer. Yes, yes, I know – we have our feet planted firmly in August and Labor Day Weekend is a mere three weeks away.…
Turning Point – The First Day
There is no better way to introduce it or say it than to just do it: The Fab Hub has a brand new job!!! Woo hoo! Hooray! And thank the Lord! It’s exactly what he needs to make this break into the world of IT. It’s the door we have been hoping would open. I…
Wordless Wednesday – In the Storm
I just saw and heard this song over on Essie’s blog and I had to borrow it for myself. I’m not sure any words could be more perfect right now.
TToT – Tentative and Ambivalent
I’m having a bit of trouble with my list of thankfuls this week. It’s not that I don’t have things for which I am thankful. I do. But I’m feeling kind of ambivalent about a few of them. I thought about skipping this week, since I couldn’t quite get my brain around it, but then…