Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

When Life Gets in the Way – A Preamble

Two years ago, my Husband and I halfheartedly talked about considering a new start. Perhaps one or both of us were ready to think about looking for something new, something that would allow us to stretch and to grow. We very tentatively started to broach the subject of what we might like to do, where we would look, and what…

By Lisa July 11, 2014 Off

TToT – Continued Progress

It doesn’t seem possible that a week has passed already. I can’t say I’m happy about how fast these days have flown. I need this summer to stretch long before us…we have a lot to do. And that’s exactly what we’ve been doing this week – a lot. We’ve continued to work on our Great…

By Lisa July 5, 2014 Off

TToT – Progress Edition

It’s been a week of progress here in many ways. In fact, we have several things in progress today – right now – so I’m taking a quick break to link up my TToT and then it’s back to work! For the first item of thankful this week – and really, it should count as all…

By Lisa June 28, 2014 Off

TToT – Summer Break Week One

I feel like I should have a whole lot more to list here this week and somehow I’m struggling to remember what to add. I’m also struggling with a good title and so please notice the lame one I’ve settled for. Since I’ve already missed half the weekend, I  guess I’ll just go with what…

By Lisa June 21, 2014 Off

Summer Sundays

It’s amazing how one thing – a scent, a sound – can transport you back in time to a memory you didn’t even know you had… Sunday’s weather was glorious – warm, but not too hot. The sky was blue and filled with puffy white clouds – the kind that look like beautifully huge cotton…

By Lisa June 19, 2014 Off

The Tale of the Three Rotten Cats and the Very Bad Mask (or How to Scare a Rotten Cat)

This is my long-promised Rotten Cat story. Before we begin, please be assured that none of us makes a habit of intentionally scaring the Rotten Cats. This incident happened quite by accident. And while it is indeed unfortunate that the poor Rotten Boys were frightened, the result was pretty hysterical. This is a Rotten Cat. Cat…

By Lisa June 17, 2014 Off