TToT – Later, January!
Goodbye, January! I’m so over you. Why? Because Polar Vortex, that’s why. I never thought I’d be so happy to see the temperature read 32 degrees in my life. Let’s get right down to business. First, I’m going with the theme of being thankful for others’ happiness. Monday of this week, the Fab Hub took…
Things I Never Thought I Would Do (Revisited)
This post originally appeared on my blog in August 2012. I’m re-posting it today because it (almost) perfectly fits one of Mama Kat’s prompts this week. It’s a few more items than the prompt asks for, but I couldn’t possibly choose…so I’m going with it. Once upon a time, I was completely non-girly. Femininity is…
I’m So Excited!
It’s finally coming… Only the coolest Disney villain EVER. I’m going. And until then, I shall continue to drink my coffee from the coolest mug on the planet. What cool movies are you waiting to see?
Soup of the Week – Italian Wedding Soup Redux
Know what I did last week? I made Italian wedding soup – spur of the moment and without having to hit the grocery store or break a sweat. I even had homemade chicken broth at the ready just waiting to be put to use! (More on that homemade broth stuff later.) It was Tuesday night,…
TToT – Even When I’m Cranky Edition
I have been dumping my items of thankful in a post draft all week. I wanted to make sure that I didn’t forget any moments and I didn’t want to hit the end of the week and feel like I had this big job to finish after what I knew was going to be a…
Sunshine Award – Fun for a Cold and Snowy Week
You know what’s really nice? When you find out that not one but TWO of your bloggy friends thinks you’re the bee’s knees and nominates you for a snappy little blog award. These things are mildly silly, aren’t they? Akin to the middle-school chain letter? But they’re really mostly awesome. First, because who doesn’t want…
Wordless Wednesday – Coffee Love
I’m not actually going to be wordless today…as long as I get my Sunshine post finished, there will be plenty of words later. But I have a photo that was too cool not to use. Kidzilla noticed this in the Fab Hub’s coffee cup a couple of weeks ago… Proof that love is all around us!…
Soup of the Week – Lemon Chicken Orzo Edition
Right now I am enjoying the last hot bowl of last week’s Soup of the Week. OK, the second last. The Fab Hub is enjoying the very last bowl. I asked him about his lunch choice… Me: You’re eating soup. FH: Yeah. It’s good soup. This, he delivered with a hint of incredulousness as if…
TToT – A Stunning Debut
OK, maybe this isn’t exactly stunning, but it’s a pretty darn good list of things to be thankful for. What is stunning is the fact that this week I am doing TToT for the very first time as one of the co-hosts of this most awesome hop! Huzzah and cheers! This is where you hoot…
Friday Favorites on Thursday Night
Call me a rebel. I realized I haven’t done a Five Friday Favorites in about forever, so I’m tossing one up right now. On Thursday. No fuss, no ado, just five down and dirty favorites of the moment as they fall out of my head. Right. Now. Here they are.