Wordless Wednesday on Thursday
Since my Monday post happened on Tuesday, I think I’ll just continue the pattern and go wordless for Thursday this week rather than Wednesday…
I was commenting on a blog post last week and related a tale of my childhood fear of the toilet. Yes, the toilet. See, I was afraid to use the bathroom in the dark because of the alligator. I was convinced that a horrible alligator lived in the sewer underneath my Grandparents’ house (no, there…
My Creature Comforts
Nothing like a Monday Listicles post on a Tuesday, right? I admit it. I am generally late or nearly late for just about everything. The Fab Hub says it’s because I grossly underestimate how long it takes to do, well, everything. I’m certain that all meals take thirty minutes or less and it takes fifteen…
A Thank You Party
“Mom, why are they decorated for the Fourth of July in here?” Kidzilla asked this toward the end of our meal at a local restaurant on Saturday evening. Sure enough, the place looked ready for an Independence Day celebration. There were sprays of red, white, silver, and blue stars shooting up out of vases on…
Ten Things of Thankful – Way Better Week Edition
How in the world is it Friday already? Make no mistake, I’m happy to see it. But how did the week fly by so fast? I’m happy to report that this week has been much better than last – way better, even with the last three days of grade reporting for the end of the…
Learning to Pray
I am still in the home stretch of final grades for this marking period, so this is short and sweet. Truth be told, I should probably be skipping the blog post tonight and just getting my work finished. (Can you hear the Fab Hub gently pointing out that I’ll be exhausted if I stay up…
Ten Things of Thankful – I Don’t Wanna Edition
I haven’t posted much this week at all. OK, I haven’t posted anything, really, unless you count the Soup of the Week and the Rotten Cats’ Halloween greeting. It’s been a lousy week. Period. The details are irrelevant. Nobody wants to hear me whine – including me. So by the time Friday rolled around and…
Soup of the Week – New and Improved Butternut Squash Edition
Butternut squash soup has made an appearance on this blog more than once. It’s a family favorite. Can’t help it. This week’s Soup of the Week is a slight variation and/or improvement on our standard butternut squash soup, though. This one is a creamy butternut squash soup. And it has some of my homemade garbage soup in…
Ten Things of Thankful AND a Monday Listicles – I Love You Edition
Every now and then, I link up with Stasha’s Monday Listicles posts. I haven’t done one in a while, but I always love reading them. When I saw this week’s lists, though, I knew that list topic was not only a great (late) Listicles post, but it would also work perfectly for a Ten Things of…