Five Friday Favorites: Secrets for a Successful Marriage
The Fab Hub and I have no business telling anybody else how to have a happy or successful marriage. We are by far not the poster children for blissfully happy marriage. That sounds awful, doesn’t it? It’s not that we’re pessimistic or that we have a lousy relationship. Perhaps it’s just that we’re a lot…
Bad Cat Habits
My pet’s least likeable trait? This is way too easy. The winner of this dubious award goes to Cat One. The offending character trait? He licks himself. There. All. The. Time.
Too Lazy Tuesday
Nobody likes Tuesday. Tuesday is worse than Monday. It’s not as hated as Monday. It’s not halfway there and hopeful like Wednesday. And it’s nowhere near the downslide into the weekend that made Thursday and Friday famous. Tuesday is just there, being awkward. Since all my efforts at being productive on Monday night were thwarted…
A Day on the Mountain
Happy weekend, friends! Or, maybe happy second half of the weekend? Today’s post is a goodie – a guest post by the Fab Hub! No, he’s not going to walk you through the process of making his Oregano Chicken…but he will walk you through his guys’ day hike at our favorite hiking spot recently. Follow…
Ten Things of Thankful – The Off Week Edition
Our week has been really…off. Everyone’s schedule has been altered in one way or another this week. Kidzilla had a school holiday. I had a teacher in-service day and an early dismissal day. The Fab Hub started his online classes. It feels like we haven’t quite gotten the hang of the week yet…and now it’s over.…
The Lunch Box Master
The Fab Hub is a lunch box master. This is pretty amazing since when we met, the man had no idea how to pack a lunch. In fact, while we were not dating, I used to bring a few extra items in my lunch to share with him since we worked at the same place…
Lessons Learned From a White T-Shirt
I should know better than to wear white shirts. It doesn’t matter how careful I am to avoid anything that might sully the pristine canvas of a white t-shirt…the shirt gets it every time. This time it was yellow highlighter. Of all things, how did that manage to come in contact with my torso? Zilla…
Ten Things of Thankful – Kindergarten Edition
Am I the only one who didn’t know Kindergarten is really hard? For the parents? Kidzilla is well into the rhythm of Kindergarten, but her parents are still trying to keep up. Honestly, this is one of those topics that should come with the book that doesn’t come with the baby…
The Day We Did Nothing Together
Last Saturday, Kidzilla and I spent the entire day together. We did exactly nothing together all day. And it was awesome. The Fab Hub went for an extended hike with a friend so Zilla and I were left to our own devices for the day. I thought of all the ways we could possibly spend…
Focus on Small Surprises
Every now and then, just when you think you’ve figured out a few things about how the world works, it throws you a curve ball. I got several this week…and the week has barely begun. Perhaps trivial, these are my recent head-scratcher moments.