Catching Up
A few days ago, Andrea wrote this post about catching up on an overwhelming number of blog posts…and why it’s important to her. Go read it. Really, go. I’ll wait. I could pretty much write the same post here – or at least a very similar one. Tonight, my blog feed told me I have…
Ten Things of Thankful – Just Under the Wire
Making these Ten Things of Thankful lists has been a really positive thing these last couple of weeks, so I wanted to get one in before the weekend is over. Starting the week with a focus on what is positive makes a great difference in how I feel about starting the week. For starters, I’m…
CSA Pickup Day Dinner – Pesto Two Ways
All three of us continue to be slightly overwhelmed by the back-to-school routine. Is starting school always this hard? I’ve started back a week earlier than usual. Definitely not enjoying that part, particularly with last week’s temps and humidity. The weather has shifted, though, and I think that will make a huge difference. Kidzilla’s Kindergarten orientation…
Soup of the Week – Trifecta Edition
I skipped Soup of the Week last week because we were on the run. We took Kidzilla to her first major amusement park one day and the next, we were just plain old exhausted. I have to report that Kidzilla has clearly inherited her Fab Dad’s daredevil streak and wanted to go on some crazy big…
Ten Things of Thankful – Back to School Edition
It’s been kind of a crazy week. Clearly, I was in absolutely no condition to start school. I cannot remember being this tired during the first week of school. I suspect part of it was the near-90s temps coupled with like 98% humidity. Horrible. And a definite part of the struggle for me was that Kidzilla and the…
Things My Grandfather Told Me
My Grandfather told me a lot of things. He told me I was beautiful and smart. I know there were times I didn’t believe him. But sometimes I did. He told me I could do just about anything if I set my mind to it. So far, that has proved to be completely true. My…
Not Dead Yet
I’ve been absent from posting…and from reading your posts! I’m not dead yet…It’s just the first week of school and I am wrecked. So let’s go (mostly) wordless for today with a little Monty Python. Be back soon! Leave some love in the comments!
Epic Diaper Fail: A Babyzilla Story
A post inspired by the word diaper? I’ve so got this. There are some family stories that become legendary the moment they happen. They are the stories that are so completely unbelievable, that they simply have to be true. You know the kind – the ones that make people say “wow, you can’t make up stuff…
Focus on Getting Things Done
I am a terrible procrastinator. Or maybe I am a great procrastinator. Perspective is everything. Procrastination is something that many ADD/ADHDers struggle with. I am one of them. Always have been. Sometimes the procrastination arises from a decision – yes, a conscious choice to put something off. Sometimes it’s more situational or behavioral – it…
The Ten Best Meals of Our Marriage
As difficult as this is to narrow down to a mere ten, I was intrigued enough by Stasha’s Monday Listicles topic to enlist the help of the Fab Hub to help me try. This family loves good food and we have had many good meals. But if we had to pick ten of the best…