Ten Things to Smile About
I felt like I was kind of laming out by picking a ten things to smile about list for my Mama Kat post. But you know what? It’s a really good idea to stop and think about the things in life that we have to smile about, especially when passing through a period where it…
First Time at a Gig
“I’m so excited,” she said as she bounced around the kitchen. “It’s my first time at a gig.” Zilla helped get dinner ready for the two of us as we prepared to go out and hear her Fab Dad play with his jazz group. In person. Zilla’s heard her dad play before – on videos,…
Soup of the Week – Creamy Kohlrabi Carrot Edition
What do you do when you have three CSA kohlrabies left in the crisper drawer that need to find a better purpose in life? Make soup! I intended to make these amazing kohlrabi crostini again, but just haven’t yet. It will happen. But now that I know everyone in the house will eat kohlrabi, I can…
Friday Favorites – Frozen Pops Edition
It all started with the pink birthday soup. Kidzilla had a pink birthday party (again) this summer. One of the items she selected for her menu was a very pink chilled berry soup. I included it in the Summer Squash/Berry Bonus Soup of the Week post not too long ago. Our guests loved the soup.…
Have you seen the movie Brave? Last summer we took Kidzilla to see her first in-theater movie and that was the one. I am not a huge Disney Princess fan, but this one worked for me. This princess, Merida, is reluctant at best. She wants no part of her mother’s arranged marriage plan; when the competition…
Focus on What We Do Have
It’s very easy to get frustrated and upset with your life circumstances when things aren’t going your way. Very easy. Unfortunately, I’ve been doing a lot of that lately. I’ve been doing a lot of whining and complaining and asking God “hey, when is it our turn?” It accomplishes all sorts of negativity and creates…
Soup of the Week – Creamy Basil Zucchini Edition
Saturday. That means it’s time for Soup of the Week! I have another really simple summer vegetable soup for you this time. Much like the summer squash soup, this one is fast and easy and helps take care of the copious amounts of zucchini you may have in your possession. Or basil. This one was…
Life Lessons in the CSA Box
I can’t believe I ate okra. Okra. You know that weird green slimy stuff that goes in gumbo? Yeah. I ate it. And I liked it. Here it is hanging out with the rest of this week’s goodies – that weird looking purplish-red stuff near the top. Apparently okra comes in more than one color.…
He Cooks! – Scrambled Egg Edition
We haven’t had an installment of “He Cooks” for quite a while. I keep waiting for the Fab Hub to whip up his Oregano Teriyaki Chicken, but he never steps up to the plate to offer. Hmm. Guess we’ll just have to wait on that one. In the meantime, it is worth mentioning that the…
Soup of the Week – Summer Squash Edition with a Berry Bonus
I love soup during the fall and winter months. My Mom does Soup of the Week at her house in the winter; make a big batch of something wonderful and keep it on hand for meals all week. We did that here this winter, but I never figured on getting hooked on soup in the…