Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Household Uses for Rotten Cats

Reason number forty-seven why My Sister hates the Rotten Cats: The Rotten Cats have Super Laser Beam Eye Powers. I only wish that all three of them had been present with their Super Laser Beam Eye Powers when I grabbed this photo because the only thing that would torment My Sister more than this would…

By Lisa November 14, 2012 Off

Turning the Page

Time passed. Phase completed. Mission accomplished. My breath of fresh air last night gave me just the inspiration I needed to push through to these “ends.” Now I can turn the page, smooth the book open, and begin the next chapter.

By Lisa November 13, 2012 Off

A Breath of Fresh Air

Somehow, today got away from me…hence the post at just after the clock turns toward tomorrow. Too many deadlines, too much stress for too many reasons…all adds up to that overwhelming feeling of suffocation. Again. I think I am not quite back on track with my promise to refocus and concentrate on taking care of my Self…

By Lisa November 13, 2012 Off

Five Friday Favorites

Who knew it would be so hard to get back into the rhythm of our lives after last week’s Superstorm Sandy? And we weren’t hit nearly as hard as some. Maybe it’s just me. I’m pretty tired. Pretty worn out in a whole lot of ways. I did manage to collect a few favorite items…

By Lisa November 9, 2012 Off

What Really Counts

I waited in line for over an hour to vote this afternoon. In all the years I have been casting my vote, I don’t think I have ever waited that long. I expected to hear quite a bit of grousing (yes, I use the word grousing) from the long line of voters who were waiting…

By Lisa November 6, 2012 Off

The Aftermath

Hello again, Friends. We spent a few days without power and then a couple more without cable, phone, or Internet access. All has been up and running again since the Saturday After Sandy, but I have been caught up in some sorting…

By Lisa November 5, 2012 Off

Waiting for Sandy

Well, here we are. Our hatches are battened. Our emergency kit is filled. Our pantry is stocked. We are Boy-Scout-style prepared. We are ready.  Sandy, bring it on! So far, we still have power and are just sort of going about our business like any other bad-weather day. As long as the power is on, the laundry is…

By Lisa October 29, 2012 Off

What’s Going On Today?

I’m going to be a bit MIA Tuesday night through Wednesday.  Here’s what I’ll be doing… 1. Trying to stay as current as possible with the OnlineBlogCon 2012 posts. I came upon this online blog conference quite by accident, but I’m glad I did!  It’s perfect for the life I’m living right now. 2. Sending hot…

By Lisa October 23, 2012 Off

Good for the Body, Good for the Soul

Late last week, I was feeling a bit run down.  Not physically ill, but more like worn out.  I know several other people – friends, colleagues, family – who have been feeling similarly or are actually sick. So I started thinking about the things that make me feel better when I am not well in…

By Lisa October 22, 2012 Off