Author: Lisa

Lisa A. Listwa is a self-employed writer with experience in education, publishing, and the martial arts. Believing there was more to life than punching someone else’s time clock and inspired by the words of Henry David Thoreau, she traded her life as a high school educator for a life as a writer and hasn’t looked back. She is mother to one glorious handful of a daughter, wife to the nicest guy on the planet, and reluctant but devoted owner of three Rotten Cats. You can find her adventures and thoughts on living life deliberately here on the blog.

Navigating Summer Gatherings with Food Allergies – Exhale

Living with a food allergy is always a challenge. Summer brings an extra large helping of outings and gatherings that include food as part of the festivities. But that doesn’t mean you or your child have to be left out of the fun. Join me over at Exhale today where I’m sharing some of our…

By Lisa June 14, 2017 Off

Summer Love and Hate

Summer has arrived. Well, perhaps not by the calendar date, but for all intents and purposes, it is summer. The school year has come to a close. Days are growing longer and bedtime begs for just ten more minutes. And sure enough, it is the time of year for playing outside long after dinnertime, for…

By Lisa June 9, 2017 Off


Jack stabbed angrily at the controls, slammed the flight manual shut, then threw it at the panel. Was Andie seriously sitting there on the platform reading when he was about to make the most important test flight of his life, the one that would determine all of their fates? “Hey, man, take it easy on the machinery, wouldja?”…

By Lisa June 8, 2017 Off

Weekend Business

Gail signed the document, then locked and patted her briefcase. “Business awaits. Will you be OK this weekend?” Recalling the suspicious “business” charges on their Visa statement, she imagines how Rich’s face will look later when the card is declined. With a dismissive wave, Gail smiles. “I’m sure I will.” ~~~~~ A bit of an update……

By Lisa June 7, 2017 Off

A Familiar Content

It is almost time. Steam rises in front of me, blurring my vision slightly. I inhale deeply, taking in all that I can by breath. A gentle heat kisses my cheek, turning my skin warm and moist. Bright flashes of orange and green swim before my eyes, darting impishly in and out of bouncy cream-colored curls. Metal brushes…

By Lisa June 6, 2017 Off


It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is upon us. I’ve written before that I see September and back-to-school time as my “new year.” It is the time we make the transition from the long, lazy days of summer to the comfort and familiarity that comes with the routine of school days.…

By Lisa June 4, 2017 Off

Master of None

Emily sat alone in the hot sunlight on the pier, her feet dangling just above the surface of the water but not close enough to break it. It’s how she felt often lately, like she was on the verge of something, positioned to jump in with both feet, but unable to put even a tentative toe forward to…

By Lisa May 26, 2017 Off

On Wisdom

“Am I wise?” I asked the Sky. Can you balance dark and light? Hold within you the vast potential of the future? “Am I wise?” I asked the Sea. Can you wash away just enough of the past to refresh yet leave a lasting impression? “Am I wise?” I asked the Earth. Can you take…

By Lisa May 23, 2017 Off

Room to Breathe

It is difficult to write about blessings in the midst of tragedy. I’ve fought with with my words for this piece and three others all morning, searching for a way to reconcile the half-written drafts with the fresh feelings of sadness that have taken residence in my heart this morning after news of the suspected terrorist…

By Lisa May 23, 2017 Off

The Words I Do Not Write

There are many things I don’t write about on my blog. For starters, you won’t find a whole lot of controversy here. In my experience controversy tends to arise from discussions that center around the topics of religion, sex, and politics. A wise man once told me that religion, sex, and politics have no place at…

By Lisa May 19, 2017 Off