Back from the Dead

December 4, 2013 Off By Lisa

Hello, friends! It’s been a while…

I definitely took a little unexpected blog break for the last several days.

First, we were heading into the holiday and everybody knows what kind of craziness that brings. Then, it was the actual holiday so there went the end of the week. Plus, in the midst of the prepping and holidaying, I was fighting off that upper respiratory nonsense – managed to succeed fairly well, thanks to my trusty sick tea remedy.


By Saturday morning, I was knocked out with the absolute worst stomach virus I can remember having in forever. It was horrible. Like Montezuma’s Revenge, but without the benefit of a lovely sojourn to Mexico.

I have yet to eat real food that isn’t clear broth or something white and bland. I swear I may never eat again. And today is the first day I’ve actually been upright for more than an hour. Progress.

Thankfully (knocks on wood), the Fab Hub and Kidzilla seem to have escaped the evil. And the Fab Hub is on day two of scrubbing everything in sight to rid the place of anything resembling this germ.

I suppose that’s one way to drop a few Thanksgiving pounds and get your house cleaned.

To add insult to injury, of course, a Rotten Cat had to get involved. Cat One decided to have a stomach problem as well. So he pretty much felt and behaved the same way I did for about four days – except for the fact that my stomach problems were not caused by snacking on a plastic bag and I definitely did not poop in the bathroom sink.


So, I’ll be easing back into the saddle now. And Cat One has resumed his usual disgusting and annoying habits. Clearly, he is feeling better as well.

Come back and visit soon!