Category: Life

Six Sentence Stories – An Unkindness

It was the grayest kind of day. It was the kind of day when the sky presses low upon the earth, urging its denizens into attentiveness – every sound just a bit louder, a bit closer, the outlines of the everyday carved into distinctly sharper focus against the backdrop of something…unfamiliar. A ceiling of clouds…

By Lisa December 8, 2016 Off

Six Sentence Stories – First Draft

A half-balled wad of paper sailed across the room – whoosh – into the can. The sun moved with purpose past the windows of the room and as the light waned, so did his confidence and page by page, chapter by chapter, words sailed across the room, the tightening wads a clear indicator of his mounting frustration. He looked at the clock; bloody…

By Lisa November 10, 2016 Off

The Morning After

So. Here we are. The election is over and you would have to live under a rock to be unaware of the climate this morning. Sure, about half of the people in the U.S. are mighty pleased with themselves this morning, but the other half are devastated. I don’t do politics here on the blog.…

By Lisa November 9, 2016 Off

An Awareness of Smaller Moments – #10Thankful

I always think it’s interesting how – or when – certain moments strike my awareness. I spent all weekend half-thinking about writing this TToT in the back of my mind, but never quite sat to do it. It’s not that I don’t have much for which I’m thankful, it’s that every time I tried to come up…

By Lisa October 24, 2016 Off

An Easier Life – #10Thankful

Life is hard. My daughter tells me of things she thinks are hard: Homework, carrying a heavy school bag, and waking up early for school are hard. Sometimes math is hard or getting along with other kids. She’s right; those things are hard. We talk about why they are hard and how to make them more bearable or…

By Lisa October 16, 2016 Off

Building a Legacy – #10Thankful

Legacy. So often, when we think of the word legacy, we end up at the definition about what property is left behind in a will or a particular online obituary site. Honestly, though, neither of those are where my mind goes first. When I think of a legacy, I think of the more abstract, intangible gifts from…

By Lisa October 10, 2016 Off

Hidden Richness – A Soup of the Week Post

I used to hate eggplant. I think it has something to do with an overcooked eggplant Parmesan somewhere in my youth. But eggplant being much like anything else, once we have a bad experience, we tend to forever loathe and avoid the offending situation – or vegetable, as the case may be. Since joining our local…

By Lisa October 5, 2016 Off