#10Thankful – Things of Significance
I sense that great things are about to happen. No, really. I wish I could explain why, but I can’t. I just know that things are somehow falling into place as they should. I’m late again this week – very late – but that’s OK because once again we have been out living. I can’t…
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A Thousand Rebirths
I’ve been born a thousand times. The first time, the most obvious, was my physical birth. On the night I was born, my Mom sat at her parents’ kitchen table and played cards until 1:00 AM before heading for the hospital; I was born forty minutes later. I wish I could tell you I am as expedient…
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Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 6
Andie sat next to the makeshift cot listening to Jack’s labored breathing as her thoughts wandered to their first meeting… She stood on the stoop looking from the address on the paper in her hands to the number on the door, her hair sticking in wet strands of what used to be ringlets around her face, her green raincoat untied and hanging open…
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Listen to Your Mother 2016: A Reflection
Everyone has a story to tell. Yet very often we keep those stories to ourselves, unready or unwilling to share them with the world. One of my favorite movies is Steel Magnolias – for so many reasons. Early in the film Truvy (played by Dolly Parton) tries to find out more about her new employee, Annelle (Daryl Hannah). “Well…tell…
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#10Thankful – A Lovely Weekend
When I heard we didn’t have a linky thing, I was totally going to bail on my TToT. I’m really tired tonight. We’ve been busy around here this weekend – all week, in fact. Skipping is temping…popcorn and a movie sounds divine. But I have a heart that is very full of thanks right now, so I’d better…
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#10Thankful – Rainy Weekend Days
There is nothing quite like a good rainy day. OK, it’s not actually raining right now, but it’s cool and cloudy and the threat is present. And I , for one, am pretty glad for it. First of all, I love the rain (provided I’m not actually out in it getting wet, of course). Second,…
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Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 5
A slow death by exsanguination would pass more quickly than the silence that lay between them. Jack held his breath, partly because it had become nearly impossible to inhale without pain searing his lungs, but mostly because doing so would move time forward and he didn’t want to live in a moment when she didn’t know him.…
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#10Thankful – The Show is Over
Is it wrong that I’m in my pajamas at 8:00 PM? Today has been an exciting and tiring day and honestly? I really kind of want to go to bed. Like now. But first, I need to slip in a few items of thankfulness… First, I am so grateful to have been part of the…
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#1000Speak April Link-Up: Compassion and Vulnerability
Somehow, another month has passed and here we are at the 20th of the month – time for another 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion link-up! I honestly don’t know if I’ll make it in with a post this month, but at the very least, here is your avenue to link your own post and check…
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TToT – On the Mend
I was really prepared this week. I had my TToT drafted and pretty much ready to go on Friday morning already. FRIDAY MORNING, people! That never happens. I said to myself, “Self, you can post this quick later tonight. You need to grab your keys and get your butt out of here.” And then…stuff started…