Category: Life

The Why Behind My Words

My Husband tells me I think in words. Now you’re wondering, doesn’t everyone?  No, I don’t believe that is true.     Some of us do think in words; we find sense and structure in our world via letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs. Others may think in pictures and see the world laid out in visual…

By Lisa April 10, 2016 Off

TToT – By the Numbers, Sort Of

Well, it’s been quite a while, hasn’t it? I took an intentional week off for Holy Week and Easter and then all hell broke loose. It all started with some beautiful spring blooming…and pollen. Allergy season entered our lives in full force.     So here we are, now three weeks, three head colds, one sinus…

By Lisa April 8, 2016 Off

Choose Happiness – A #1000Speak Post

What makes you happy? No, it’s not a trick question. I’m serious. Sit down. Close your eyes and think about it for a few minutes. Now, answer the question: What makes you happy?     The answer, of course, will differ for everyone. The things, experiences, even people that bring us joy are as varied as we are.…

By Lisa March 20, 2016 Off

Six Sentence Stories – The Contract

Hector’s hand hovered above the paperwork, unmoving, uncooperative, disobedient to the urging in his mind. He knew the contract was bad from the start and he never should have started the project; no one agrees to terms like these, but when a man is just desperate enough he’ll agree to anything. Well, almost anything…there are some things even…

By Lisa March 18, 2016 Off

TToT – A Week of Weird

This has been a weird and crazy week. For starters, our parenting efforts have included addressing the topics of clubs that include only certain people and exclude others, balls (yes, that kind), menstrual periods, why some men might prefer to dress as women, and why poems about knife-wielding gummy bears are not appropriate material for the…

By Lisa March 12, 2016 Off

Six Sentence Stories – Reflection on a Railway

How much power lives in a moment? Life churns along, making steady progress across the landscape. You travel slowly up mountains, calmly across plateaus, more rapidly down hills on the other side; the legs of the journey vary, but always take you forward. You decide you’re making good time, estimate your anticipated arrival, and settle comfortably for a nap,…

By Lisa March 11, 2016 Off

TToT – A (Sick) Day of Rest

I don’t know if I’ve had the everlasting upper respiratory cold or several one right after another. Either way, I’ve been dealing with this nonsense since about New Year’s Day and I’ve had just about enough. I figure I’ll finally ditch the winter cold junk just in time for the spring allergy nonsense. I’m trying…

By Lisa March 6, 2016 Off

Be Careful What You Wish For

What would you change if you knew how your life would unfold? Would you eat healthier? Exercise more? Would you take better care of your teeth? Maybe you would get up the nerve to ask out the cute guy in your French class. Or maybe you would wisely say “no” when the cute guy at the…

By Lisa March 5, 2016 Off