Six Sentence Stories – Waiting
The post would be late again today. There was no way to know this for certain, of course, except for the fact that the post was always late. Susannah’s daddy always said a man could set his pocket watch by the lateness of the stagecoach that brought the mail, if a man had a pocket watch…
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Sucker Punched
It is impossible not to feel like a fool when you’re lying on the ground I can throw a dozen life metaphors at you, but let’s go with the one in which life is a boxing match. You dance around a bit, execute some fancy footwork, throw a punch here, a jab there, duck and weave…
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Six Sentence Stories – Take My Hand
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and the two of them become one body.” He sat in the pew, staring, listening, recalling those words read from the pulpit on his own wedding day, his bride standing next to him in the same spot where the young couple…
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TToT – Catching Up, Transitions, and Change
I can’t help but think lately that life is a constant string of transitions. We spend most of our lives moving from one phase to another: from youth to adulthood, from school to work, from one relationship to another, from one job to another…our movement is constant and sure. That’s not to say that we…
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Celebrating One Year of Compassion – A #1000Speak Post
I want to tell you a story. It’s a simple story – very short, truly sweet. It’s the story of a little girl who saw someone in need and acted with compassion. This little girl was on the school recess yard with a friend, playing whatever things little girls do on the school recess yard at lunchtime.…
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TToT – Wants, Needs, and Practicality
It is not always possible to do or get what you want. Sure, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? To be able to do exactly what you want to do when you want to do it? To be able to have anything you want right when you desire it? Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? Maybe. But then…
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Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 4
“Don’t move!” she growled more than spoke. Coming from inside the black helmet, her voice was different…harsher, older, and more gravelly than he remembered, but Jack knew with every searing nerve ending in his body that it could only be her.
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TToT/FTSF Mashup – For These Things We Are Thankful
It’s Sunday night and my link-up posts aren’t finished. I’ve spent the last several days alternating between wishing I could come up with something terrifically profound and hoping I just get something on the page and completely forgetting that I need to write the thing in the first place. It’s not that I don’t feel…
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Six Sentence Stories – The Lie, Part 3
Jack moved slowly, painfully forward across the charred earth, sensing he was not alone; he could feel eyes trained upon him, watching his pathetic uneven progress. A sound – was that breathing behind him? a heartbeat? No…only the sound of his own blood pounding in his ears.
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What I Have Learned from Experience
As we drive home in the afternoon, I often ask my daughter, “What did you learn in school today?” Lately, her answer is “the usual.” And so I have to prompt her a little to be more specific – what is “the usual”? “Oh, math and English and spelling…same as always.” “Well what kind of…