TToT – Summertime
There’s something special about summertime… The daylight lasts longer… Time seems to move a bit slower… Even the busy days feel a bit less structured and demanding. There is time to breathe, to inhale deeply, and to live deliberately… We are one week into our official summer break and have filled it with wonderful moments…
Wordless Wednesday – Chickens on the Farm on a Summer Evening
CSA season is here! Our visits to our summer CSA farm started the first Friday in June. Here are a few shots of the farm and some very cool chickens we saw while there. The rooster was particularly beautiful, although I don’t think the photos do him justice. The chicken shots aren’t the greatest – I…
Library Day – How to Get Your Kid’s Nose Stuck Inside a Book
It’s library day again! For the last several weeks, I’ve been running book and reading-related posts on the blog on Tuesdays. So far you’ve seen some book reviews, author interviews, my personal musings, and more. This week I’m bringing you a guest post from a blogger friend many of you already know, Val Newman of My Virtual Vineyard. …
TToT – Birthdays and Life
Some days make you stop and think about life more than others. Today is one of those days. Our Daughter is seven years old today and I have spent a great deal of time this week, and especially today, thinking about how we came to be in this moment… I’m going to try to do…
This Summer…
This summer is going to be different… This summer I will spend some time on a bit of the usual. I will clean out closets, scrub under the stove burners and above the kitchen cabinets, and think about having a garage sale. But this summer will also be different… I will do those usual things,…