Category: Life

The Importance of Talking about Reading

OK, so it’s Tuesday. Lately, I’ve been running something book-related for you on Tuesdays. It’s kind of like library day. Maybe we have a guest post from an author, maybe a Q&A session, maybe a book review… But today I’m afraid I have nothing new to report. I’m still reading several books (yes, I do that)…

By Lisa June 2, 2015 Off

FTSF – After a Hard Day’s Work

After a hard day’s work, there is more. Years of days have been spent at work… challenging, demanding, rewarding, exhausting, physical and emotional. After a hard day’s work, there is more. Years of after works are spent at another job more education, seminars, workshops, meetings, workouts, the things required to sustain or progress. After a…

By Lisa May 30, 2015 Off

TToT – Short Week

The short week after a Monday holiday is always a particular kind of hell. In theory, it’s a great thing. You get to skip Monday and only face four days of the regular week – whatever your regular might be – before it’s weekend time all over again. But. In a short week after a…

By Lisa May 30, 2015 Off

Six Sentence Stories – Rush

“Don’t be in such a rush,” he said as he gently, but firmly, tugged her arm to slow her pace. “We’re going to run out of time and he timed it a certain way.” “Nah…all the time in the world. See all these people just looking at you, smiling at you? Let’s enjoy the little stroll,…

By Lisa May 29, 2015 Off

Away Message

The Tuesday after a long weekend should feel awesome. But it never does, does it? It feels kind of like a super-Monday. Short weeks are tougher than regular five-day weeks, I think. And this week I have my hands full. For today, I’m giving you a bit of an “away message” because I know I’ll…

By Lisa May 26, 2015 Off

TToT – Simple Practicality

There is nothing quite so satisfying as practical wisdom. While I suppose it’s presumptuous to call myself “wise,” I can at least admit honestly that I found several occasions this week that called for some practical application of knowledge and somehow I got it right! And in the spirit of being practical, I need to…

By Lisa May 24, 2015 Off

FTSF – Success Begins in the Grocery Store Checkout Line

Last week, we became those people. I had my first inkling in line at the grocery store. As I waited for my turn, I thought about all the things we had going on that week. Appointments, classes, homework, meetings, events…plus regular school and work hours. The line moved forward and I reviewed my menu plan…

By Lisa May 22, 2015 Off

Book Review – Marcia Kester Doyle’s Who Stole My Spandex

Everybody has that friend. You know the one. The friend you meet for the lunch date that ends at 5:00 PM when your husband calls wondering if you’re stranded in a ditch somewhere. The friend you can talk to about anything, because we all need to bounce those topics off of someone else for comparison’s sake. Just to…

By Lisa May 19, 2015 Off

A Mustache on Monday

I believe in full disclosure. Translation: I was delighted to fall on the number in the TToT link-up Sarah designated as one to answer these questions because neither of the other two posts I’ve been working on are ready to go this morning. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling seriously behind the eight ball this…

By Lisa May 18, 2015 Off