Category: Life

All The Things I Tell Myself

I am not where I imagined I would be at this point in my life. When this topic came up at dinner a while ago, my husband asked me to promise I would not host a self-pity party. I told him I would do no such thing because some lies just cannot be told. Even as…

By Lisa May 5, 2017 Off

Sturm und Drang

The sky bore down heavily on the farm all day, threatening at every moment to unleash its fury on the animals and fields. Peggy spent most of her day monitoring the barnyard, shooing animals into their pens, and keeping a watchful eye on the sky – there would be no time left to tend to…

By Lisa May 4, 2017 Off

Silent Leaving

“Can’t imagine spending life with anyone else,” the old woman said. The rocking chairs creaked. A groundhog lumbered nearby. Such similar creatures are we, thought the old man. Eat, hibernate, mate, hibernate some more. He had left her long ago, retreated into dreams of another life. “Yep,” he said. “Imagine.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This post was written for the…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off

We Contain Multitudes – Open Thought Vortex

When you consider the word heritage, what comes to mind? Ancestry research and registries? Family photographs? Cultural traditions? For me, heritage is about more than where we came from or the people who lived before us. Heritage is about who we were yesterday…who we are right now…and who we are yet to become. It is about…

By Lisa May 3, 2017 Off

The Road Home

“What did he say?” she asked. “The engine is leaking oil, but the mechanic is gone for the night. We can come back tomorrow. Or, he said if we get a case of oil from the auto parts store next door and keep dumping it in, we’ll make it home.” They drove in silence for…

By Lisa May 1, 2017 Off

TToT – A Month of Progress

Hello! It’s good to see you here! I know I’ve been sort of quiet on these pages – and around the online world in general – for most of this month. I’ve been working on some projects and doing some shifting of focus and priorities. One of those shifts includes not spending time online during the…

By Lisa April 30, 2017 Off

Fruitful Blessings

He watched his wife dress, her navel peeking from beneath a camisole and between stretch marks as she reached above her head to fix her hair. That small, intimate part of her reminded him how he worked to know her, to break through the rough, vibrant skin and bitter layers of pith surrounding the most…

By Lisa April 25, 2017 Off

We Rise – Open Thought Vortex

At this time of year we think of new life and fresh starts. The idea of resurrection can be seen and felt all around us. I’m excited to have this piece up on Open Thought Vortex Magazine today with my thoughts on the ways we rise over and over again. Hop over and check it…

By Lisa April 5, 2017 Off

TToT – Breathing Space

I can breathe. Seems obvious, right? But no. Ever since we all had the flu back in mid-February, I have been unable to breathe well for one reason or another – upper respiratory congestion, lower respiratory congestion, whatever. Over-the-counter nasal spray has become my close companion, but while it provides blessed and instant relief, that…

By Lisa March 27, 2017 Off