Category: Life

TToT – The Calm Before

I can’t believe I’m writing this late on a Tuesday afternoon. When I started this post, we were definitely in the calm before the storm early Monday morning. Now? Well, 36 hours later we have about fourteen inches of snow outside, the Rottens are sleeping by the window, and the Hub and Zilla finally got their…

By Lisa March 14, 2017 Off

Where I Belong…For Now

I discovered a hole in my favorite shirt yesterday. This shirt has traveled with me for a very long time – I’ve had it for at least as long as I’ve been married so that’s thirteen years for sure. It is faded and stretched and just about to cross into the realm of threadbare. It ceased…

By Lisa March 12, 2017 Off

TToT – Start with Gratitude

Despite the fact that I’ve been working steadily, I find myself still struggling to get any real momentum this morning. I don’t usually have Monday Blues or whatever. In fact, I quite love Mondays. I rarely schedule outside appointments for Mondays, Zilla and Hub are back at school and work, the cats sleep off their…

By Lisa March 6, 2017 Off

The Return – A Six Sentence Story

The air carried a tortured warmth through the window, a gentle breeze that under other more ordinary circumstances would be pleasant enough, but here in the deep midwinter felt unnatural, out of place, and most unwelcome. A candelabra on the bedside table offered the only light save the distant flashes of lightning that silently heralded the storm’s arrival.…

By Lisa March 3, 2017 Off

TToT – You Have GOT to be Kidding Me.

I’m definitely still in recovery mode here. A little background: Zilla, the Hub, and I all went down hard with the dreaded flu the Friday before Valentine’s Day. (Yes, the actual flu.) (Yes, I had a flu shot. We all had flu shots.) Both of them are back up and running and have been for quite some…

By Lisa February 27, 2017 Off

Six Sentence Stories – Losing Ground

Jack padded barefoot into the kitchen, still wearing the jeans and flannel shirt he had on three days ago, and poured himself a second cup of steaming motivation – or what he hoped would be, at least. He took a long slug of the black stuff, letting it burn his throat as it slid down,…

By Lisa February 23, 2017 Off

TToT – Complications

I don’t even know why I call these posts ten things of thankful anymore – I’ve long since given up listing or counting anything. I suppose it’s because that’s how it began and it’s how we continue to identify with one another. This is a great little group we have here and that comfortable identity is…

By Lisa February 20, 2017 Off

Finding Your Peace

I’ve noticed a trend. It’s nothing earth-shattering or headline-prompting like you’re probably thinking. The trend at the moment is simply that I, despite all good intentions to the contrary, have managed to miss hitting Kristi’s Finish the Sentence Friday link-up deadline for three weeks running. The reasons are varied, but the end result is the same.…

By Lisa February 19, 2017 Off

Six Sentence Stories – Beneath the Surface

She stretched herself out and waited to feel herself floating, noticing the fading light and the chill of the light breeze skipping across her skin. She began to sink slowly, the breeze and all sound disappeared as the surface broke, then closed again overhead. Darkness grew ever closer, rushing up from below to meet her even as…

By Lisa February 18, 2017 Off