#1000Speak April Link-Up: Compassion and Vulnerability
Somehow, another month has passed and here we are at the 20th of the month – time for another 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion link-up! I honestly don’t know if I’ll make it in with a post this month, but at the very least, here is your avenue to link your own post and check…
TToT – On the Mend
I was really prepared this week. I had my TToT drafted and pretty much ready to go on Friday morning already. FRIDAY MORNING, people! That never happens. I said to myself, “Self, you can post this quick later tonight. You need to grab your keys and get your butt out of here.” And then…stuff started…
The Why Behind My Words
My Husband tells me I think in words. Now you’re wondering, doesn’t everyone? No, I don’t believe that is true. Some of us do think in words; we find sense and structure in our world via letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs. Others may think in pictures and see the world laid out in visual…
Choose Happiness – A #1000Speak Post
What makes you happy? No, it’s not a trick question. I’m serious. Sit down. Close your eyes and think about it for a few minutes. Now, answer the question: What makes you happy? The answer, of course, will differ for everyone. The things, experiences, even people that bring us joy are as varied as we are.…
TToT – A Full Spectrum of Thankfulness
I’ve had a colorful week. A full spectrum of things for which I am thankful. I’d love to show and tell you that I snagged a photo of every hue and every experience. But I did not. I was too busy soaking in the moments, living the moments. And truly, the color thing didn’t occur…
Sometimes I Feel Like Wonder Woman
Sometimes I feel like Wonder Woman. I feel like Wonder Woman because I do battle every day. You see, I have ADHD. I’ve had it all my life, even though I didn’t know it until I was well into adulthood. As it turns out, my daughter also has ADHD. And my husband. And I’m pretty sure at least…
What Makes Me Weak
No one likes to admit weakness. We prefer to present ourselves as strong and capable, fearless and invincible, to the world and to ourselves. But no one is without their Achilles’ heel, their own personal Kryptonite. It’s different for each of us, of course. But let’s talk about Achilles and Superman for just a minute… Achilles’…
TToT – A (Sick) Day of Rest
I don’t know if I’ve had the everlasting upper respiratory cold or several one right after another. Either way, I’ve been dealing with this nonsense since about New Year’s Day and I’ve had just about enough. I figure I’ll finally ditch the winter cold junk just in time for the spring allergy nonsense. I’m trying…
Be Careful What You Wish For
What would you change if you knew how your life would unfold? Would you eat healthier? Exercise more? Would you take better care of your teeth? Maybe you would get up the nerve to ask out the cute guy in your French class. Or maybe you would wisely say “no” when the cute guy at the…
Sucker Punched
It is impossible not to feel like a fool when you’re lying on the ground I can throw a dozen life metaphors at you, but let’s go with the one in which life is a boxing match. You dance around a bit, execute some fancy footwork, throw a punch here, a jab there, duck and weave…