Five Favorites for Friday – Second Edition
By Fab Hub’s request, it’s time for another round of Five Favorites for Friday.
As I booted up the laptop, I thought this in my head:
It has been a really exhausting week for so many reasons. I’m tired. I’m drained. My feet hurt. And I desperately need a shower before I crash face down on the bed and pass out.
And then I opened last week’s file and realized that is precisely the way I started last week’s Friday Five.
Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
Anyway, here are this week’s Favorites:
1. Favorite recipe of the week:
Magic Dinner Butternut Squash Soup
Go here for the post with the details. Really. It’s fantastic. And it’s very good for a light fall supper.
2. Favorite thing Kidzilla said to me this week: “I was a little bit ornery this morning, Mamma.” It was true – she had been ornery that morning. And yes, she used the word appropriately. Pre-K teacher did a double-take. That’s my girl.
3. Favorite thing a Rotten Cat did this week: Cat Three attempted to make out with me. He did. He put his Rotten Little Cat Face right up to mine and nosed me on the mouth. Eew. But cute. But eew. OK, so maybe this qualifies as Favorite weird thing of the week. Remember when Snoopy kissed Lucy in the Charlie Brown comics? ”I’ve been kissed by a dog! AAARRRGGGHHH!!!”
4. Favorite thing I realized about people this week: There are still people in the world who sincerely care about other people and kindness still happens all around us. When you need an Angel to hold you up, God sends one your way.
5. Favorite purchase this week: Shopping for birthday party supplies for Fab Hub/Dad with Zilla. We went for a card and a small cake. We came home with five cards, a small cake, a large frosted cookie shaped like a flower (yeah, that was for Fab Dad…), six kinds of sprinkles to put on top of the cake, birthday plates and napkins, candles to indicate Fab Hub’s age this year, and a stuffed camel/llama. (It’s a camel, but Zilla wanted to buy her Fab Dad a llama. Stuffed llamas are kind of hard to come by, so we made the camel an honorary llama.)
This week’s honorable mention goes to Fab Hub…
Favorite thing Fab Hub said this week: “I’m having a cow,” as he ate a cow-shaped sprinkle from his birthday cake.
Have any favorites this week? Drop them in the comments!
Have a wonderful and restful weekend!
I think there should always be a mention about the funniest thing your sister said each week. Because I am funny.
Probably could do that, yes.
Perhaps the rotten cat thought you were having a rough week and needed a kiss. Clearly I knew better what would help….which is why I brought you coffee!
Coffee always helps. Had some this afternoon. Would like some now, actually.
School started on Tuesday. Definitely my favorite thing.
It’s hard NOT to like the start of school.
Right now, 10:21pm Sunday (technically a NEW week), all I can think of is my LEAST favorite thing. Which I’m just sure you’re dying to hear. So, without further ado, my least favorite thing (this new week or last) was….spending eight hours at the ER with the Wonder Hub and his kidney stones. It’s a pretty safe bet that this was his least favorite thing. too.
Oh NO! You have to be kidding…that’s terrible. Being in the ER is awful. Kidney stones must be awful – haven’t had that experience. How is he?
Friday nights are my favorite time. The whole weekend lies ahead…so much potential. But I am usually dog tired. I like this antidote to that draggy feeling.
Cow sprinkles? Who knew?!
Cow sprinkles indeed. I love Friday nights…like you said, the whole weekend ahead. But I also love the “not a school night” feeling that goes with it. And though I often find myself exhausted on a Friday evening, there is something good about it – like the satisfaction that you’ve put in a hard day’s (week’s) work and that’s the tangible evidence. Something like that. It’s delicious.