Focus – Still Distracted but Moving Forward Anyway

February 3, 2014 Off By Lisa

So here we are, four days into February. Time to check in on my One Word goals and move forward into the next part of the plan. This year I’m working on Focus.

For January, I decided (with a little help from Steve over at Do Something Cool) to focus on removing distractions rather than getting more focused on one particular thing.

First the bad news: I finally settled on how to approach my January goal about halfway through the month. That didn’t exactly set me up for great success, did it? Two weeks to accomplish the monumental goal of removing the piles and projects that distract us from our home? Oh, and right after I got going on that an felt like I had some momentum going…the perfect storm of deadlines set in and I found myself missing out on my fifteen minutes a day plan on more than a few days. So are all of my piles of distraction gone? No.

But stick with me. There’s good news, too.

The good news is that while I did not spend fifteen minutes every day working on this goal, I did spend that time most days. Some days I made up for it with extra time; others I did not. While my goal of removing all of the piles of distraction from our home by the end of January did not happen, I did make significant progress. And the areas that were de-cluttered have remained so. I’d say that’s pretty decent progress.

In addition to getting the physical environment straightened up and more organized, I can already feel the benefits of this on my mental state – and perhaps the rest of the family, too. I am keeping track of things better. I am making plans for other projects and the steps are unfolding nicely. As I suspected, taking care of the physical clutter is going to have a huge benefit for all of us mentally and psychologically. It already is.

What’s the next step?

Well, since the piles of distraction are not gone, I need to keep working at that part of the Focus plan. But the truth is that distractions will always exist in life, whether literally or figuratively. And so the lesson to take away here is that I can’t expect to eliminate distraction and then just hope it will stay away from me. It won’t. I have to learn how to keep distraction under control and manage it as it comes.

I’m also going to add the next step to my plan to increase Focus. I am going to add the goal of focusing more on routine. All three of us need routine in our lives – but a clearly defined routine that works to keep us on track, not a routine that holds us back. We have a pretty predictable routine right now, but it’s not working. It’s too reactionary – we respond to the world around us and we do it in pretty much the same way over and over again. It’s not the best way for any of us. It’s getting us nowhere fast. And so we need to think about the routine that will make the most sense for each of us and for all of us as a family unit. This is going to include making decisions about who does what jobs around the house and defining specific times for things like getting up in the morning, doing homework or chores, and having time to relax. All of it gets done – eventually – but it’s often in a haphazard “oh-wow-I-totally-forgot-to-do-that” way.

So that’s the next part of the plan. For February I will continue to work on removing distractions and begin to work on clearly defining positive routines. These steps should lead to an overall state of improved Focus. Eventually. I’m OK with the baby steps.

How are your One Word goals coming along? Or your New Year’s resolutions? What have been your successes and challenges? Share it in the comments, friends – that’s where the best stuff happens!


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