Frozen Echoes

Frozen Echoes

May 9, 2018 Off By Lisa

Echoes of laughter-laced music from last night’s party crept out from behind the tree line and moved across the field. The piney air carried the suggestion of alcohol-doused firewood and nearly frozen vomit, followed by something not quite appropriate to the occasion – the unmistakable scent of fresh blood.

“What do you think it is, Pa,” Robby asked, “a wolf kill?”

“More’n likely a human kill, son. Folks get mighty worked up when booze is involved, find it easy to let themselves go. But there’s lines you just don’t cross, and once you’ve gone over, there’s no getting yourself back.”


Written in response to the May 3, 2018, flash fiction challenge at Carrot Ranch Communications

In 99 words (no more, no less) use a line in your story. You can think of the variation of the word meaning, or you can think of visual references. Go where the prompt leads.

And because I love a good prompt mash-up, this week’s flash does double-duty for the Six Sentence Stories link-up. Each week writers are asked to tell a story in just six sentences. This week’s prompt was ECHO. Visit Girlie on the Edge‘s blog for this week’s stories. Check out the entries here or add your own!