Good for the Body, Good for the Soul

October 22, 2012 Off By Lisa

Late last week, I was feeling a bit run down.  Not physically ill, but more like worn out.  I know several other people – friends, colleagues, family – who have been feeling similarly or are actually sick.

So I started thinking about the things that make me feel better when I am not well in some way – physically or otherwise.

For a cold, there’s always good old-fashioned chicken soup.  Of course, that’s just good for anything, really.  It’s hard to mess with a classic, but the Portuguese Chicken Lemon Mint soup I made recently is a pretty exciting alternative.

Another favorite of mine is tea.  I like tea.  Period.  But sometimes, you need something particular to help you back to normal.  For an awful bout of medication-related nausea last week, I came across a delightful Fresh Ginger Mint Tea at a blog called Forkable.  (Did I really just say delightful?  Sheesh.)

I probably got about two dozen ginger and mint tea concoctions when I searched, but this one drew me in.  First of all, the name of the blog is too cute.  Second, the pics of this tea in mason jars just made me think it was the right way to go.  The tea was terrific and did the job it promised.  The blogger, Andrea, also has a wicked hot toddy recipe on there – another favorite to cure what ails you!

My favorite homemade cure-all is what I have lovingly named “sick tea” because, well, I drink it when I’m sick.  And, the original name of the recipe is kind of a turnoff – Garlic Tea.  Bleah.  I got this little gem a lot of years ago from Prevention magazine and have used it ever since.  Since my copy is nothing but an old, worn-out page from the magazine, I did a hopeful search and happily found the very same article posted at!  Check it out and give it a chance the next time you feel a cold coming on.

My Sister has used it without much complaint, except that she thought it was truly disgusting on day two. (I always use mine on the same day I make it.)  Fab Hub, on the one occasion I was able to convince him to try it, declared that it tasted “like feet.”  But please do not let this deter you from giving it a try!  I swear by the stuff and honestly don’t think it tastes all that terrible.  You can always add a little extra lemon or honey to taste or maybe some sugar to sweeten (or a bit of whiskey to make it a “sick hot toddy”).  If you’re really miserable, chances are you won’t taste much anyway, so drink up!

And never underestimate the power of the old “apple a day” trick – hit the search engines and you’ll find more information than you ever imagined about the health benefits of this super-food.

Right now, I have a bowl of these on the counter in a size and flavor for everyone in the house to enjoy…

To ease my tired body and soul, I have recommitted to some habits that are important to my overall well-being.  I have made sure to take time to spend a few minutes daily in my Bible and in prayer.  I have committed to taking just a few minutes – a simple ten or fifteen –  each day for some type of exercise or physical activity.  I have re-committed to paying close attention to the foods I choose for my family.  I am getting more sleep and I am drinking more water.

None of these are new ideas – not to the world at large or to my Self.  But I needed to remind myself – just for a moment – why these things are important to me. These are the things that are good for me, body and soul. These are the things that make me feel happy, healthy, and whole.  These are the things in which I find rest, healing, and comfort.