My Creature Comforts

November 11, 2013 Off By Lisa

Nothing like a Monday Listicles post on a Tuesday, right?

I admit it. I am generally late or nearly late for just about everything. The Fab Hub says it’s because I grossly underestimate how long it takes to do, well, everything. I’m certain that all meals take thirty minutes or less and it takes fifteen minutes to get everywhere. Except Vermont which takes longer than I like to be in a car or South Carolina which takes for-flipping-ever.

So it really should be no surprise that I’m sliding into home at the very last moment to say I did this list on Monday where it belongs. Or, you could just believe me when I tell you that I really wanted the Veterans to get their due gratitude on Monday and the Listicles could wait. Because it’s mostly true.

Anyway…here is my offering of things that bring me comfort.

1. My Kidzilla. In any medium…sleeping or awake, laughing or crying… In any moment that she is or anything she does, she is my peace. When she’s not pushing my buttons and driving me up the wall, that is.

2. The Fab Hub’s Calm. As excitable, over-reactionary (yes, it’s a word), high-maintenance, and high-strung as I can be, this man is the polar opposite of all of those and the epitome of stoic calm. There’s a reason God put us together. Mostly, I think it’s so I don’t spontaneously combust.

3. Coffee. Yes, it’s comfort. I have ADHD. A lot. Caffeine is good for us. I have really no other vices save swearing like a sailor saying a bad word every now and then. So let me have my coffee and I’ll be just fine.

4. Tea. When I’m actually already calm and not bent out of shape about something, tea is nice. It’s respectable and refined. It goes with my bookishly-smart image. If I wear my glasses when I’m drinking it, even smarter.

5. Books. I love books. All books. New books, old books, fiction, non-fiction, good books and bad books. Not only is it possible to find comfort inside them, but I find myself comforted by their very presence. It’s why our house has a library. (I know, right?) We don’t have a living room big enough for a whole set of living room furniture, but we have a library.

6. My Three Rotten Cats. I know I complain about them. A lot. They annoy me. A lot. But when it comes down to things, the Rotten Cats do make me feel better. They have a distinct routine and when they don’t stick to it, it bothers me. I’m kind of used to having them snuggle up to my feet when I’m in bed or curl up on my toes when I sit at the computer. And all that stuff you read about pets being able to help improve your mood? True. Most of the time. OK, true. Because even when they are making me irritable, they are usually doing so in a manner that is pretty hysterical.

7. Night Lights. I never liked the dark as a child. I still kind of don’t. And I will admit to being a night-roamer – sometimes in my sleep and sometimes fully awake. So having those soft little glowing night lights in the hallways and various rooms makes me feel a little less creeped out by my nighttime sojourns around the house. Also extremely helpful for preventing me from stepping on black Rotten Cats in the dark.

8. “Snuggly Brown” Blanket. This is actually Kidzilla’s doing. She has a lovely tan and cream striped blanket that is warm, soft, fuzzy…and snuggly. Since she was a baby, she’s called it her “snuggly brown” blanket. A couple of Christmases ago, my Mom gave me one. It’s not quite the same…but it is brown and it is snuggly…has fleece on one side, something velour-ish on the other. Nice. Warm. Snuggly. It’s actually sort of like those really hideous 1980s wearable blankets that zipped up on the bottom and snapped over your arms to make sleeves – sort of. We laughed like crazy at my Mom for that blanket, but she thought it would be a good thing to have to cover my cold RA self on chilly nights. She was right.

9. Blue Bunny. OK, going out on a limb of ridiculousness here. Several years ago, before we were even married, the Fab Hub and I were heading for an Easter Sunday family gathering. There was stress involved – can’t remember why. But I do recall that I was in a foul mood. (We were probably running late…naturally.) We stopped at the supermarket on the way to my Grandparents’ house to get flowers or something we were supposed to bring. When I wasn’t looking, the Fab Hub snagged a stuffed blue rabbit and snuck him in the bag. When we got to the car, he popped the bunny out of the bag and held him right up in front of me while making him talk in a very silly little voice. I cracked up. Tension broken. From then on, when I was in a bad mood, the Fab Hub would hold up the stuffed blue rabbit and say “Look at your bunny!” Still works today. And when I’m having one of those really awful days when you just feel lousy, Blue Bunny remains a source of comfort. Zilla has even borrowed him on occasion. Blue Bunny is awesome.

10. My Mom. No matter how old you get, there are some occasions in life when a girl just wants her mother. Mine are generally when I’m overly worried about something or really sick. When I was a little girl, I remember my Mom singing to me and patting me on my tiny tuchus to help me calm down, relax, and fall asleep. My tuchus is now far from tiny and having Mom pat me on it is pretty impractical (not to mention awkward), but her voice helps. So does remembering those moments or hearing the songs. Tried having the Fab Hub stand in for Mom once or twice. Not. The. Same. Sometimes only a Mom will do.

And a bonus…because I’m bad at following rules when it comes to lists of favorites.

11. Friday Nights. OK, I know it’s a strange one, but there is something so comforting to me about a Friday once work or school is finished and the whole evening…the whole weekend…stretches out before you. It’s go to bed early without guilt night. It’s stay up late without guilt night. Friday night is decadent. Friday night is just plain awesome. Even in the summer when school’s out or on a vacation week, Friday nights still have a special feeling about them.

So that’s it for my comfort items. Surprisingly, there is no food here. That’s a whole other list, really. We’ll do that later.

What brings you comfort?
