My One Word

January 9, 2013 Off By Lisa

So, my Word…

I’ve been thinking about it for quite a few days now. Thinking… praying… discerning… deciding if this is the right word.

It is. It was from the second I decided on it, which was almost right away. But because I am Me and I tend to get in my own way fairly often, I made an attempt at re-thinking my word.

I should remember that it is generally not a good idea for me to re-think things that I already know in my heart are right.

So anyway, my One Word for the year is Focus.

It’s a great word for me right now for a great many reasons, many of which are inevitably going to end up being explored here in this blog space. I like that.

My first exercise in Focus is going to be focusing on getting more sleep tonight than I have been getting lately. Perhaps having decided upon my word and now putting it “out there” will be the key to falling asleep tonight.

Here’s hoping.

In the meantime, have you chosen One Word to Focus on for the year?  (See how I did that there? Heh.) If so, join me and share in the comments!
