One Year Ago Today

December 5, 2013 Off By Lisa

Intrigued by Mama Kat’s prompt about what was on my blog one year ago, I decided to check it out. The closest date in my archives was December 4th. The topic? Yurts.

Seriously, yurts. Check it out –  I’ll hang out here while you read and learn about yurts.

So back to Mama Kat’s prompt – What were you blogging about a year ago today? What has changed?

The first thing I have to say about my post of a year ago is that I am perhaps more comfortable in my blog’s skin, so to speak. I think I’ve relaxed more in how I write and in what I write about. This blog has been a wonderful thing for me in so many ways and one of them is allowing me a space to talk about and think through the things that make me, well, me. Hence the title. So that’s a little different.

The next thing I noticed was my typos. I really try to be more careful about that. I could have edited those typos out of the original post, but in keeping with my belief that everything about our past makes us who we are today, I left them alone. Moving on.

Mostly, though, I think much of what was in that post is still the same.

For example, the Fab Hub and I still have conversations like that. Like every day. This is not a bad thing. For starters, they are part of what makes us the couple we are. We have a dialogue, a banter, a way we interact that is uniquely Us. And sometimes, all of that adds up to some pretty entertaining blog fodder, so more the better.

He still amazes me with the scope of his knowledge. The Fab Hub knows a lot of stuff about a lot of stuff. He’s smarter than he will ever admit and a far greater thinker than most people I know.

I still tell him that he’s not that funny even though I often think he is.

We still play the Well, Actually game that was briefly mentioned in that post, but never given a post of its own. Well, Actually is perhaps the single most annoying of the games we play in this house. For as long as I can remember, the Fab Hub has had a charming irritating habit of inserting a point of clarification into a conversation by prefacing it with the phrase, “well, actually…” and then proceeding to relay his point.

It’s annoying as hell. Even if his information is interesting or correct or pertinent.

And so at one point several years ago (when I thought I might explode if I heard him say it ever again), I told him so. We had a conversation about it. He understood how it could be interpreted as, well, obnoxious. And he stopped saying it.

But the game continues. I’m on to him. I know his trick.

He still refrains from saying “well, actually…” Instead, where a “well, actually” may have once appeared, a brief pause now exists. I know what he’s doing. He knows I know what he’s doing. This is how we roll.

But back to the topic at hand…

The Fab Hub still frequently suggests that a good topic for any given blog post is how awesome he is. Now, lest anyone think that the Fab Hub is the most egocentric and obnoxious man on the planet, he absolutely is not. In fact, he is probably the most humble and low-key human being I know. But yes, he’s still pretty awesome. I know it. He knows it know it. I probably don’t tell him that as often as I should, but I really do think so.

In the meantime, I kind of like the look back to a year ago. I may have to keep that in the blog somehow.

And what about you? What was on your blog a year ago? Share it in the comments!


Mama’s Losin’ It