#10Thankful – Cycles and Seasons
If one thing is certain in life, it is cycles. Seasons come and go, night turns surely to morning, and years pass more quickly than we might hope. It’s hard not to see this time of year as an end. It is the end of summer, the end of sleeping in and staying up late,…
The Fallow Period
Words do not always come easily. Precious few words found their way to this space over the last several months – a mere dozen posts since the first of June, and none of them in August. It’s been a strange and wonderful period in which my mind has been filled with words and ideas, but my published…
#10Thankful – Standing in Motion
I believe I am standing in motion. I worked on a thousand things all week, produced results, and yet I somehow feel as though I have accomplished little because none of my projects can be moved to the “finished” list. But maybe finished does not always equal successful (or vice versa) and just being in process is quite a good thing…
Library Day – Behind Closed Doors
Whether in life or literature, when something appears too good to be true, it usually is. We can never really know the truth about someone’s life until we live it. People’s lives appear precisely the way they intend no matter what truth exists privately. And while it is certainly easy to judge a book by…
#10Thankful – A Heavy Heart
It has been a week of such sadness. I’m sure most of you know of the terribly sad and tragic headlines that have filled our news feeds this week. My heart is also heavy for people in my life who are grieving the loss of family and beloved companions, people who are struggling with illness,…