Smoothie Scandal (And A Soup of the Week Update)

February 11, 2015 Off By Lisa

I have been the victim of a smoothie scandal.

OK, it was not exactly a scandal, but it could have been for like five minutes.

Remember a couple of months ago I did a post about Williams Sonoma asking me to be part of their Smoothie Week? Well I was of course flattered and kind of floored that anyone would actually notice my little blog, so I did the post and that, as they say, was that. I never heard another word.

Curious to know what ever became of this Smoothie Week promotion, I hit Google and went looking. I found a few posts here and there around the Internet, but not many at that point, and that was about it. Oh, well, I figured. You live and you learn and you move on. Of course anything really big wouldn’t be after my blog or my smoothie recipe. Duh.

In early January, I was contacted by another blogger who was approached by the company to do a smoothie post. To make a long story short, Williams Sonoma did not exactly do the best job of working with the bloggers they contacted. If you are interested in the story, please hop over to Kelly Caiazzo’s blog, I Am Running This. Kelly dug in and did some research and got to the bottom of the whole thing. She’s done a great job of telling the story and also rounding up the recipes provided by the bloggers Williams Sonoma contacted. If you like smoothies, definitely check it out – there are some great recipes and some great blogs listed.

In the meantime, I’ll share a quick smoothie or two with you here.

The post I did for the Smoothie Week promotion, titled Smoothie Week – What’s Your Weirdest appeared here on the blog back in November. Click there to read the story of how and why I started making and drinking smoothies. I also talk about the different ingredients we’ve used (some are a bit strange) and the weirdest one we had tried at that point – radishes.


If you read through that post, it will also lead you to the story of the Hub’s most bizarre smoothie concoction, the Mayo Smoothie. It’s a pretty good story which I featured in He Cooks! – Smoothie Edition back in September of 2013. Even if you don’t do smoothies, you’ll enjoy the glimpse into our crazy little life here and enjoy some of our witty verbal exchanges. 

We’re kind of hilarious.

Kale, Pineapple, Almond Milk Smoothie

 And then there’s the smoothie recipe I promised you a few weeks ago in a TToT post, I think. Yes, it was here. It was the one I put in the Hub’s lovely beer glasses. The smoothie was really delicious and quite effective and I promised you I’d share what I put in it…


And now I can’t find my notes so I have no idea. None.

That’s not true. I know there were radishes involved because I was very congested that day and since I learned about the head-clearing properties of radishes, I frequently turn to them for relief. I don’t know if they really work or I just think they do. I’m pretty sure they really work because I remember feeling much better not even an hour after having this.

Let’s see if I can remember the rest from the other photo…

Lovely, isn’t it?


OK, I can tell you for certain that I used radishes – usually three or four decent ones go into a smoothie batch.

I can see kale – that’s about two good handfuls. Use whatever greens you like.

Frozen mixed berries. The bag on the counter is kind of a dead giveaway. Use about a cup of those.

Going by the look of the liquid in the photo, I probably used about a cup each of almost milk and some kind of red juice (usually pomegranate, tart cherry, or cranberry here).

I most likely used about a teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of ginger in there. Both are great anti-inflammatory helpers and if your nasal passages are swollen, it can’t hurt. Toss ’em in.

I can see the plastic cap to my vegetable peeler on the front of the Vitamix. So what in the world would I have peeled to throw in there? That was mid-January so I’m trying to think what I had in the produce drawer. Carrot? Probably not. Apple? Maybe. Was that the week we had mango? No, I didn’t peel that with the peeler. Or did I? Could have been a beet, but I don’t think I would pair that with radishes. Pomegranate arils! I think that was it. Or kiwi…

Or that peeler cover might just be there because I didn’t want to lose it.

Know what? Let’s just call this one gone. I feel like there was something special about it that day, but I am at a loss and I can’t find the notes anywhere.

Love me anyway, OK? And don’t forget to check out Kelly’s Smoothie Week post and the recipes by the other bloggers. You know, the ones who remember what they put in their smoothies. Those people.

As for me, I’m going to bed. My computer just had its ninth nervous breakdown in the last week, causing me to lose a bunch of this post. Then I had to fix it. Now it’s so late that it’s early. I’m out.


As for Soup of the Week, it will return again next week. I think I’ve settled on alternating weeks because sometimes we just repeat things we love. Like this week. Kidzilla asked for Our Favorite Easy Creamy Tomato soup, so that’s what we had. It’s Ina Garten’s, if you want to know that, and it’s worth a click. Still to come for Soup of the Week is homemade hot and sour soup. Come back next week for that one!

Now it’s your turn: Have you ever been drawn into a promotion or event that wasn’t quite what it seemed? Have you ever fallen for an actual scam? Are you a smoothie drinker? Do you have a favorite smoothie to share? Are you a fan of hot and sour soup?

Let’s talk in the comments…