Still The One

September 6, 2012 Off By Lisa

My Fab Hub was never going to be The One for me.

If you’ve been here before, you probably already know that when we first met, I thought he was kind of a jerk.  I had a litany of reasons why I would not date him.

So we did not date.  Technically, we never dated.

And then we got married.  And now we have a Kidzilla.

But that is not the Tale I am here to tell.  Today, I travel back in time to pinpoint the moment when I knew that Fab Hub was The One.

I can tell you this: it was not the day we met.  No Love at First Sight kind of thing here.  Well, Fab Hub has always claimed that it was for him…what a guy.  Considering the fact that I was wearing a dirty t-shirt, sweatshorts (I know, nobody wears sweatshorts), and had my hair in two Laura Ingalls style braids, I’m pretty sure that one is a complete lie.  But whatever.

It was not the first time we kissed or even the day he announced that he intended to spend the rest of his life with me.  Terribly sweet…undeniably chivalrous… Nope, not then.

It was not the first time he introduced me to friends as his “girlfriend” or “significant other.”  We never dated, remember?  So that wasn’t it.

But I may have known that he was The One when, as if by magic, he produced an umbrella to hold over me in a torrential downpour while he got soaked.

Or maybe it was the day we grabbed a pizza together after work and talked about everything two people could possibly need to talk about if they were going to explore a future together. I remember looking across the table and thinking “holy crap – I could totally be with this guy.”

No, perhaps it was in the operating room during Zilla’s terrifying emergency C-section when he wouldn’t leave my side.  He kept his eyes glued on mine and said “I am not leaving her.”

Or it may have been the first time I saw him hold our Babyzilla.  The look on his face said that he was head-over-heels in love with her and that she would always be safe in his arms.

Actually, it was clear that he was a keeper on the many occasions when he cleaned up Toxic Zilla Poop, despite our pre-Zilla agreement that he would always do puke and I would always do poop.

I know.  It was a couple of weeks ago when I didn’t feel well.  When he stacked my pillows, made sure that I was comfortable, and told me to get some rest…that might be it.

No, wrong again.  It was this morning when he handed me my coffee in a to-go mug on my way out the door.

Yes, that’s when I knew He was The One.  And still is…every day.

P.S. – Happy birthday, Fab Hub!


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Mama’s Losin’ It