Every Day Love
I’ve been thinking a lot about love the last couple of days. For starters, there’s that rather large and obvious thing called Valentine’s Day that has just passed us by. Kinda can’t miss that. Love it or hate it, there it is. I can’t say we’re huge fans of Valentine’s Day here. We’re not huge…
TToT – Snow and Ice Edition
Is it really the end of the week? I’m not sure exactly how that happened. Maybe it’s because we had a three day week again…snow days Thursday and Friday and here we are in the very wee hours of Saturday already. So yeah, I’m so not prepared for TToT yet. I think we’ll wing this…
He Cooks! – Homemade Pizza Edition
My Husband claims he is a kitchen disaster. I wouldn’t exactly call him a disaster. But his skill level in the kitchen is not terribly high. Although I really do think he shortchanges himself quite a bit. The Fab Hub has become an expert smoothie maker and he assembles lunch for me and Kidzilla every…
Soup of the Week – Italian Wedding Soup Redux
Know what I did last week? I made Italian wedding soup – spur of the moment and without having to hit the grocery store or break a sweat. I even had homemade chicken broth at the ready just waiting to be put to use! (More on that homemade broth stuff later.) It was Tuesday night,…
Friday Favorites on Thursday Night
Call me a rebel. I realized I haven’t done a Five Friday Favorites in about forever, so I’m tossing one up right now. On Thursday. No fuss, no ado, just five down and dirty favorites of the moment as they fall out of my head. Right. Now. Here they are.
TToT Part Two – A Day with My Daughter
This is a first-ever event, friends. I’m linking up with TToT for a second list this weekend! I’ve seen others do it and wondered, “How in the world do they have two whole lists in that short a time?” Some weeks I have to really stretch my brain to get the first list finished. But…