TToT- Funk Busting
By the time the TToT hop goes live, we are going to be busy getting our weekend started. I should probably be doing ten other things right now, but I don’t want to wait until oh sometime maybe Sunday to get linked. So I’m going to bang out this list quickly so I can get back to…
TToT When I’m Not Really Feeling It
It’s not that I don’t feel thankful this week. I absolutely do – for many things. But for some reason I am feeling irritable about posting. I was very excited to get my Soup of the Week posts back up and running, even if this week’s turned out to be a consolation prize because I…
The TToT of Being Sick
I couldn’t think of anything else to call this. I started my list early in the week and added items as they occurred. This morning I realized that most of my items this week center on my ongoing respiratory issues. So there it is – The TToT of Being Sick. Still. Photos…I have none. I haven’t been outside the…
TToT – Mexican Delicacies and a Love Letter of Sorts
Contrary to popular rumor, I have neither left the country or this life. I have, however, been sick with round two of whatever horrible allergy-induced respiratory nonsense I’ve had lurking the last couple of weeks. I’m sure it’s allergies because, well, the symptoms just don’t add up to anything else and…corn smut. Yup, corn smut.…
TToT – Summer’s Fast and Final Blast
How can a week go by so quickly and so slowly at the same time? Somehow, these last two weeks have flown by in exactly that manner and Labor Day is upon us. We’ve had a wonderful last bit of summer, even if it did go by a little too quickly. Zilla and I have spent…
TToT – A Dizzying Week
There is certainly no dearth of thankfulness this week! So many things have happened – and happened well, at that. It’s been a good week all around. Kind of a head-spinning week, really. So while I have much to be thankful for, I found it sort of overwhelming to sort it all out, put it…
TToT – Tentative and Ambivalent
I’m having a bit of trouble with my list of thankfuls this week. It’s not that I don’t have things for which I am thankful. I do. But I’m feeling kind of ambivalent about a few of them. I thought about skipping this week, since I couldn’t quite get my brain around it, but then…
TToT – Busy, Tired, and Satisfied
Emerson said, “A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best, but what he has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace.” We have had a busy week. We have poured our hearts into our work and the sense of satisfaction, coupled with…
The Great Clean and Purge Project – Week Three Recap
You know, as I’m looking at that title, I’m wondering what kind of people need three weeks to clean and purge their home? Apparently, we do. Oh, right…and we’re not finished yet. In our defense, we had kind of a light week in the Clean and Purge department. We did not plow through the process…