Tag: wives

TToT – Summer’s Fast and Final Blast

How can a week go by so quickly and so slowly at the same time? Somehow, these last two weeks have flown by in exactly that manner and Labor Day is upon us. We’ve had a wonderful last bit of summer, even if it did go by a little too quickly. Zilla and I have spent…

By Lisa August 30, 2014 Off

TToT – A Dizzying Week

There is certainly no dearth of thankfulness this week! So many things have happened – and happened well, at that. It’s been a good week all around. Kind of a head-spinning week, really. So while I have much to be thankful for, I found it sort of overwhelming to sort it all out, put it…

By Lisa August 16, 2014 Off

TToT – Beautiful Summer Days

This week just felt like summer. We had a great lunch at an old favorite hot dog place early this week. While of course you can have a hot dog any time you feel so moved, there is something about this place that goes with summer. Maybe it’s because we always got their take-home doggie…

By Lisa July 26, 2014 Off

TToT – Dashing Off Again

I would much rather be in bed falling asleep right now than writing my TToT list. Can’t blame a girl for being honest. But the truth is that if I don’t do this now – quickly – I won’t do it at all because there won’t be a moment to do so. We’ve been busy…

By Lisa July 18, 2014 Off

TToT – Busy, Tired, and Satisfied

Emerson said, “A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work and done his best, but what he has said or done otherwise shall give him no peace.” We have had a busy week. We have poured our hearts into our work and the sense of satisfaction, coupled with…

By Lisa July 11, 2014 Off

TToT – Continued Progress

It doesn’t seem possible that a week has passed already. I can’t say I’m happy about how fast these days have flown. I need this summer to stretch long before us…we have a lot to do. And that’s exactly what we’ve been doing this week – a lot. We’ve continued to work on our Great…

By Lisa July 5, 2014 Off

TToT – Progress Edition

It’s been a week of progress here in many ways. In fact, we have several things in progress today – right now – so I’m taking a quick break to link up my TToT and then it’s back to work! For the first item of thankful this week – and really, it should count as all…

By Lisa June 28, 2014 Off

TToT – Summer Break Week One

I feel like I should have a whole lot more to list here this week and somehow I’m struggling to remember what to add. I’m also struggling with a good title and so please notice the lame one I’ve settled for. Since I’ve already missed half the weekend, I  guess I’ll just go with what…

By Lisa June 21, 2014 Off