One From the Archives – Every Day Love
This post originally ran on the blog on February 15, 2014. It’s worth saying again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I’ve been thinking a lot about love the last couple of days. For starters, there’s that rather large and obvious thing called Valentine’s Day that has just passed us by. Kinda can’t miss that. Love it or hate it,…
This One Time I Laughed So Hard I Couldn’t Breathe – A Finish the Sentence Friday Five
BOOM! Would you look at what I did up there with that title? I couldn’t decide if I should do a Finish the Sentence Friday post or my Friday Five this week. So you know what? I’m doing both. Together. In one post. Let’s roll… This one time, I laughed so hard I couldn’t breathe.…
TToT – The Dance of the SGV
I need to go lie down. Seriously. I was on my way out the door to Zilla’s school to volunteer in the library today and all of a sudden…sick. Blah. Not the best way to start off a list of thankfuls, is it? But let’s go with that for a second.
FTSF – The Memory That Haunts Me
The memory that haunts me is the one I do not have. My memories don’t haunt me. I do not live my life with regrets. OK, maybe if pressed for something I would change, I’ll admit that I probably should have stuck with the piano lessons and taken better care of my teeth. I don’t…
Once Upon a Year or Two Ago
Sometimes it’s nice to take a look at where we’ve been. Every now and then I take a look through photo albums, old letters, piles of filing in my office that need to be handled…but I haven’t done much backward observation here on my blog. Today’s as good a day as any, so come along…
FTSF – Epic Diaper Fail: A Babyzilla Story
When the timing is right to jump into something, you know. Sometimes you just need the right combination of factors to fall into place together to make you say, “OK, it’s time to try this.” I have been reading posts here and there that link up to Finish the Sentence Friday, currently hosted at my…
TToT – Out There
It’s been a week. So many things going on here I can’t even sort them out quite right. But it’s good. It’s a good kind of whirlwind to be caught up in. Let’s get to it because I still have about fifteen things to finish tonight. First, I have to be pretty happy about the…
Conversations with Kidzilla – How to Have a Happy Marriage
I love having conversations with my daughter. For starters, Zilla is a rather skilled conversationalist for a six-year-old. The kid knows how to have a discussion. She also has a wicked sense of humor and near-perfect comedic timing and delivery. She often stops me dead in my tracks with a snappy one-liner. But in addition…
TToT – The Non-Routine Routine
My disappearance this week was not intentional. In fact, I had all sorts of great ideas planned for this space – and most were actually in a semi-written state. But somehow the first week back on routine went a little awry and I ended up with a cold to boot. Two of the five school…
TToT – Soft Landing
Our start to the New Year has been a very soft landing. I think I first heard the term used in conversation when one of Kidzilla’s preschool teachers talked about giving the children a “soft landing” routine in the morning. At the time I thought, “OK whatever,” but it’s actually a nice concept. And here in…