Tag: wives

What I Learned from Eggs

My Daughter asked for eggs for breakfast this morning. She did it completely right, too. She decided last night that she wanted eggs for breakfast this morning. She asked politely if someone would make her eggs for breakfast. She even specified the preparation method – hard-boiled, please. Well done, Zilla! But despite the advance notice,…

By Lisa November 10, 2014 Off

TToT – Post-iversary!

So as it turns out, this is my 350th post. A little post-iversary, if you will. I kind of want confetti and party horns to happen here…pretend it did. Now let’s get down to the business of being Thankful. I’ve been exercising my culinary muscles in the kitchen again this week and managed a couple…

By Lisa November 7, 2014 Off

Smoothie Week – What’s Your Weirdest?

I’ve been drinking smoothies daily for about a year and a half. I can’t remember exactly why I started but I’m pretty sure it had something to do with an abundance of CSA vegetables and Pinterest. Put those two things together and you’ll find plenty of inspiration! This week Williams-Sonoma is celebrating Smoothie Week. The…

By Lisa November 3, 2014 Off

TToT – Lazy and Late

I am late to the party this week. We’ve had a very lazy weekend and I kinda want to get back to that since the next few will keep us hopping! But I’m going to get this in under the wire, thanks to Dyanne for giving me a little poke.

By Lisa November 2, 2014 Off

TToT – Community

The Fab Hub rolled his eyes and sighed at me when I told him I didn’t know if I had ten things for my list this week. I’m not really sure when my husband the cynic became my husband the positive thinker. But the gesture did serve to make me realize that hearing those words out…

By Lisa October 25, 2014 Off

Soup of the Week – Green Soup

Ever have a whole lot of veggies left in your refrigerator that need to be used or else end up in the garbage can? That happens here sometimes. Not often, thankfully, because we really are good vegetable eaters here. But every now and then, especially with a CSA share, we end up with more of…

By Lisa October 13, 2014 Off

TToT When I’m Not Really Feeling It

It’s not that I don’t feel thankful this week. I absolutely do – for many things. But for some reason I am feeling irritable about posting. I was very excited to get my Soup of the Week posts back up and running, even if this week’s turned out to be a consolation prize because I…

By Lisa October 11, 2014 Off

TToT – A Positive Week (Except for the Allergies)

I’m going with an approach that has worked for TToT posting before…adding things as they happen during the week. First, I am (as of Tuesday morning) feeling better than I was even 48 hours ago. My smoothies have clearly done their work. I am less congested, coughing far less than I’ve been in the last…

By Lisa September 20, 2014 Off

TToT – A Big One

We have a big one to be thankful for this week, friends. Huge. The Hub’s got himself a great big full time position! It’s the same one he’s had, but we’ve moved from a part-time/temporary status to extending the term to the year to full time. That’s right. Full. Time. Job. That really ought to…

By Lisa September 13, 2014 Off

TToT – Mexican Delicacies and a Love Letter of Sorts

Contrary to popular rumor, I have neither left the country or this life. I have, however, been sick with round two of whatever horrible allergy-induced respiratory nonsense I’ve had lurking the last couple of weeks. I’m sure it’s allergies because, well, the symptoms just don’t add up to anything else and…corn smut. Yup, corn smut.…

By Lisa September 6, 2014 Off