The Sweetest Day

July 12, 2012 Off By Lisa

Ever have one of those days when against all odds or expectations, the day just turns out really great? Love that. Today was one of those days. Really unremarkable for any reason except that I was surprised by sweetness several times over.

Initially, I knew the day was off to a bad start. Fabulous Husband didn’t want to get up this morning. Kidzilla didn’t want to get up this morning. I didn’t want to get up this morning. I think the Rotten Cats even stayed asleep instead of whining as though they’ve never been fed. (Such brats.) I seem to remember my slumber being pierced by a rather heated battle of wills between Father and Daughter over whether or not she would get out of bed and brush her teeth. I had a horrible headache for the third day running. So the way I had it figured, things could only get better.

And so they did.

Husband delivered Zilla to her summer preschool stuff this morning and left me to my own devices. Went back for a quick snooze before my first appointment of the day. Nice. Sadly, that made me slightly late for said appointment, but when I got in the car I found that Fabulous Husband had filled the gas tank in my car. Sa-weet! Didn’t have to stop so that was awesome. I made sure to send him a text (not while driving, of course) and say thank you.

Had some early lunch with a good friend. That outing involved copious amounts of desperately needed coffee and catch-up and a waitress who was not only good at her job but highly entertaining. Fun.

Kidzilla was fantastically polite, reasonably compliant, and especially affectionate today. I think I was the recipient of more hugs, kisses, snuggles, and “I love you Mammas” today than I could count. Dadda, too, was on the receiving end of Her complete adoration. There’s nothing quite like a full-out kid hug.

Fabulous Husband and Kidzilla raved appreciatively about dinner and it was really no big thing. Leftovers and veggies. (No picture today…there is really nothing attractive about baked beans.) But preparing meals to me is a way of expressing love and so leftovers or not, a little piece of my heart goes into whatever I prepare. So if they feel a little bit of that and it makes them happy, then Mamma’s happy, too.

Sprinkle a few other niceties here and there in between and the day is done. Overall, it turned out to be a pretty relaxed, quiet day. A good day. The sweetest day.

It is so easy to fall into the mindset that today is off to a bad start – whatever that “today” might be. It is much more difficult to choose to believe that the day will turn out right. It is easy to wonder why our current chaos or sadness is so difficult to bear, easy to wonder “why me and not that guy?” But in Luke 12:48 we are reminded that “from everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.” I am human. I do wonder why so much is being asked of our family right now when others seem so care-free. But I know sincerely that we have been given so very much to be grateful for and we have been offered the strength and courage necessary to face these challenges.

And so tonight, as always, I give thanks for the many blessings in my life. But I think I can honestly say (at this moment, anyway) that I am also thankful for the challenges currently intertwined with those blessings. I remind myself that in the face of adversity, we find strength beyond what we imagined and our true Self is revealed.  And that is truly a Gift.

Today was really nothing remarkable.  Or was it?  At the very least, it was a welcome reminder that in the midst of bitterness there is sweetness and peace to be found if we are but willing to embrace them.