TToT – Birthdays and Life, Part 2

July 4, 2015 Off By Lisa

It’s birthday time again!

Well, it was. Tuesday was my birthday and it was quite possibly the most absurd one I’ve had in a while – maybe ever.

The day started off fine and quite as usual with a Happy Birthday text from Super Sister at 12:01 AM. Always. I love it. I am thankful for that little ping on my phone in the middle of the night every year. Later in the day, I got to see my Mom for a while. It always feels kind of right to spend some time with the person who is responsible for getting you here. I’m thankful for my Mom for so many reasons.

We still have balloons left from Zilla’s birthday celebration a couple of weeks ago. Yay. It’s been kind of birthday central here all month, so that was cool. I can be thankful for decorations that were already in place and make the house feel fun and festive!


I was supposed to start my new fitness endeavor that morning, but a lousy summer cold prevented me from going. OK, didn’t prevent me, but I was definitely not feeling any physical activity that day, never mind something new. I’m thankful I didn’t decide to go anyway and end up feeling worse.

I had a babysitter scheduled for the day and didn’t want to cancel her anticipated income for the day, so I had her come anyway and went to my office to get some work done. I’m thankful for a couple of hours uninterrupted to get some paperwork and Internet work done. I’m thankful for a lovely and competent sitter and that Zilla completely loves her already.

I suppose the sitter being here when I didn’t actually leave the house was odd, but I’m certain that’s been done before. And having a cold is not so bizarre – I always get a summer cold, although this one managed to wait about two weeks past the usual time. Whatever. And skipping out on exercise? Yeah, not bizarre at all for me.

But the tornado warning here? THAT was bizarre. We live in a valley. Between mountains. Tornadoes do not happen here. Well, apparently they did that day because we had warnings and black skies and funnel clouds all over the place. I”m thankful we’re all safe. I’m thankful for the Red Cross Tornado App (get it if you don’t have it – awesome). I’m thankful that Dyanne was right there to keep me calm when I texted her and basically said “WTF??? We don’t do tornadoes here but you do so help!” She’s awesome. I’m thankful for friends who know just what to say and do.

The Rottens gave me a birthday present. Well, Cat One did. He peed on the carpet and let me clean it up when the Hub wasn’t home. Awesome, Cat One. Awesome. I’d like something a little warm and fuzzy under my tush when I have to go, too, but you don’t see me peeing on the stairs. I’m thankful that… I’m thankful for… NO idea. Whatever.

The Hub’s parents sent me a photo of a tree in their yard that they call their “Lisa tree” because it seems to wait to bloom until my birthday each year. Neighbors have the same type of tree and theirs bloom at various times. But my in-laws’ tree? My birthday. Weird. But another thing that makes the day special. I’m thankful for my Husband’s family – they, too, love and care for all of us.

Lisa Tree

Did you know Google says happy birthday to you? I had no idea. All day long, when I opened Google, I saw this very cute little display of cupcakes.

Happy birthday from Google “How nice,” I thought, “that Google has cupcakes up for some reason and it’s my birthday and it’s kind of like they’re just for me!” Well, when I happened to let the mouse hover over the image to find out why they had cupcakes, it said “Happy Birthday, Lisa!”

I freaked out a little. Big Brother, much?

But it was pretty cool (and creepy) and I’m thankful for the happy little display to entertain me. And I’m thankful that my IT-Guy Husband said something in Geek Speak that basically assured me that nobody was watching me from my computer.

I’m thankful for Zilla and the Hub for making my day sweet and special. They are my world.

And I have to add one here that probably should make every week. I am thankful for life. I am thankful to be here celebrating another birthday, surrounded by people I love. Yeah.

And on that note, I’m going to do a little birthday dance, borrow Val’s photo, and ask the SGV for a pass on the rest of the list in case this doesn’t quite make ten. It’s my birthday, surely they can drink a toast to my health and happiness and let me slide.



Your turn – what are you thankful for this week? What was the most bizarre thing that ever happened on your birthday? You know the drill – share ’em or link ’em!

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