TToT – Grateful Grateful Truly Blessed

March 28, 2015 Off By Lisa

It’s been a rough week.

My RA gave me a run for my money this week. I could have handled it better. In many areas, I have not been compassionate with myself. In all honesty, I wanted to skip this list tonight.

I finally decided not to force it, to just let it go and searched for a video or something to post instead of a list. I decided to try doing a post later in the weekend.

But I found my video and it was exactly what I didn’t know I needed.

And of course, I have much for which to be thankful.


I am thankful for my Husband. He is kind and loving and understanding. I realized this week just how well he understands my RA and what it does to my body (and head, and heart) when I’m having a flare.

I may not be feeling well, but my pain and discomfort is far less than that of other people.

Kidzilla was home sick twice this week. But in each case, the illness was minor and short-lived. We got to spend extra time snuggling, napping, playing, and laughing together.

I may not have accomplished the chores and projects I planned to this week, or finished all the work I hoped, but I also didn’t have to call out sick from a job to care for my child or myself. Working from home, while still in its fledgling state, is a blessing.

My daughter is happy. She laughs and spins and twirls and jumps just about every moment she is awake. She has so much energy to burn that I tell her about a hundred times a day to sit still. Not all children are so healthy and happy.

(Now that I think about that, why in the world do I tell her to stop?)

It didn’t snow all week. It rained. And the first spring thunderstorm brought beautiful clouds and colors to our skies. Every day, we are treated to beautiful views of the sky and we enjoy watching them together.


We had fun with a video that Clark dropped in a comment reply over at his blog. Never underestimate the power of simplicity.


Connections. Friendships. Opportunities. Growth.

The Hub’s newest CD arrived in physical form. (And the first signed copy – mine!) I am thankful for the gift of his music and that he is able to pursue his dream of publishing his work.



I am thankful for three sweet and affectionate Rotten Cats. They are healthy, entertaining, and always good for a cuddle.

Finally, I am thankful for that “aaahhh” moment when I put on my pajamas at night.

Your turn: How has your week been? What do you do when you’re going through a tough time? Who understands you better than anyone else? What makes you laugh until you cry? You know the drill – share ’em or link ’em!


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