TToT – Light from Darkness

March 15, 2014 Off By Lisa

As I was putting together my list of Thankfuls for the week, I realized that there was something of a theme at work.

We’ve had several “darker” moments this week – things that just haven’t been the most positive or haven’t gone quite the way we would have liked. But in several instances, a positive and much lighter scenario emerged from the darker event.

Daylight Savings Time has returned, giving us more light at the end of the day. For a while, though, the mornings will once again be dark. None of us love the darker mornings, but we know that will change again very soon and the days will be even longer and lighter.

This week, my favorite pair of black boots lost a heel. It is nearly impossible to find a great pair of black boots in March. But I did. And they were on a great sale – less than 50% of the original price. This is the distinct benefit of finding boots in March. But wait – it gets better. Thanks to the awesome sale price, a free shipping deal, and an online promo code discount, I got not one but two pair of the boots and a pair of jeans for Zilla for twenty bucks less than the original cost of one pair of boots.

We’ve had a strange week of mixed temperatures – 60 one day, 25 the next. The imbalance in the weather produced a horrible headache that lasted much of the week, but finally broke on Friday. Four day headache bad; realizing it was gone good. I am very happy to be rid of that headache. For me, having a headache makes it so difficult to do anything at full capacity – and this week needed full capacity in many ways.

Our little family of three enjoyed some time together on Friday after school. We visited the Farmers’ Market, as always, and ran into the Super Sister/Aunt there. Zilla is always surprised to see her there and gets very excited, despite the fact that it’s a fairly regular occurrence. On the way home, we took Zilla to a terrific candy store near us – lots of wonderful things to see there. While candy is far from the perfect food and dyes are obviously going to show up in things like candy-coated almonds and green-tinted St. Patrick’s Day goodies, we found far more in the shop with no dyes and I did not see the words “high fructose corn syrup” on a single label. Zilla wanted to try cherry cordials – one of my absolute favorites – but sadly, those do have red dye 40 in them. I will have to find some that don’t or figure out a way to make her some. But overall, we were happy for her to enjoy the trip and see that there are many delicious treats in the world for a kid who can’t have food dyes and HFCS. Of course candy isn’t the most important thing in the world, but it has to be difficult to know you need to pass by things that other kids enjoy without a thought. So while it’s difficult to suddenly have to give up things she has enjoyed in the past, Zilla is handling this whole thing like a champ and with a wisdom and understanding far beyond what I’d expect of someone her age.

Candy aside, we had several occasions this week to again be thrilled that we have a child who is not a finicky eater and is happy to try new foods. We are so happy that she enjoys so many good and healthy things. She absolutely loved several things we ate recently that I would never expect a five year old to even look at. It is a grateful parent indeed who says things like “Zilla, please eat something besides a vegetable.”

Zilla has had a very difficult week at school and we ended up in the unfortunate position of having to take a social event away from her this weekend as a result. (Someone should have told us how much THAT stings the parents, never mind the kids.) But there are some positives to the whole situation. When we discussed the less-than-admirable school behaviors with Zilla, she was able to give us very clear answers about what motivated her to make those choices and she understood why they were not good choices. She understands that her actions have consequences and that sometimes they are not what we would like. While we would have preferred not to have to deal with a big week of school trouble and discipline issues, the Fab Hub and I are a good parenting team and got through some really tough moments with Zilla this week well. Zilla was not happy with our decision about her punishment, of course, but took it pretty well and understood why that’s what needed to happen. And as an additional tag, we are so thankful to have talented and caring people around us to help us with these challenges.

This week, the Hub and I took the opportunity to spend some time together just relaxing and watching a show we found that we like. We’ve also been going to bed at the same time more often, which is positive. We are both getting more sleep because he’s going to bed earlier and his late arrival in the bedroom isn’t waking me up at a ridiculous hour. The fact that we’re getting more sleep is helpful in so many ways – it is so easy to ditch sleep when life gets busy and the tasks are too many to accomplish in a day, but we’re trying to make getting an appropriate amount of rest a priority. So far, we’ve done well. So maybe a chore or two isn’t getting finished at night or some paperwork has to wait another day, but we’re focusing on us and on our well-being.

I have been so grateful for warmer days this week – even with the frigid ones in between. While we are not completely out of winter’s grasp, there is promise of spring and more pleasant things to come. The message is not wasted on me. I am certain it is symbolic of lighter days to come for all of us very soon.


Your turn! Share your moments of thankfulness for the week in the comments or link up and be a part of the TToT community.

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