TToT – Start with Gratitude

March 6, 2017 Off By Lisa

Despite the fact that I’ve been working steadily, I find myself still struggling to get any real momentum this morning.

I don’t usually have Monday Blues or whatever. In fact, I quite love Mondays. I rarely schedule outside appointments for Mondays, Zilla and Hub are back at school and work, the cats sleep off their weekend for most of the day, so I have a full day of blank slate in front of me.

But today – I’m feeling slow.

So I figured the way to get things moving this morning was to start with gratitude, to reflect on what is good in life rather than bemoan whatever is keeping me from putting it in gear today.

Maybe the cold temperature is the problem. Our weather here has been ridiculous – 70 degrees at one end of the week, 30 degrees at the other – and right now it’s pretty chilly. That makes it difficult to want to crawl out of a warm bed. But that also means that Zilla and I spent a few extra minutes just snuggling this morning before hitting the floor and that is a mighty fine way to start any day. I can be thankful for a few extra minutes to hold my little girl…before she’s not so little any more.

I’m thankful for Rotten Cats who sleep on my feet and keep them warm at night, especially when said Rottens are polite and don’t hog up the whole bed.

By the time I hit the kitchen this morning, the Hub had vacuumed the stairs, made the coffee, put out the morning vitamins, etc., and brought up some clean laundry for Zilla. Hey, at least one of us put it in gear effectively this morning, so there’s something to be thankful for. Truly, I’m very grateful for all of the things he does around here to keep things running – and he does A LOT.

Maybe my problem today is that I’m still feeling the effects of that horrible flu (and subsequent bronchitis) (and subsequent sinus infection) that hit me back before Valentine’s Day. People weren’t kidding when they said the fatigue and aftereffects would last for three weeks or more. I hate that feeling. But. At this point I can say that even though I am not nearly at 100 percent, I am feeling a little better and stronger every day. So I am thankful for measurable progress.

As a result of all the sick around here lately, I am most definitely behind on so many things I need to accomplish – writing, reading, a few deadlines and promises to get things done for people, chores around the house. The lists are huge. I am thankful that I have no dearth of things to keep me busy and productive, though. And I’m grateful that those to whom I promised work are understanding of the fact that I’ve been down sick. I am also thankful to have a plan (and a very cool planner) for getting things done. The lists and plans I’m working on have resulted in keeping me on track and helping me start a major purge and de-clutter project in our house. The last time we did a major cleanout was when we had the floors done, so it’s definitely time.

I’m extremely thankful that spring is right around the corner – at least by the calendar. Daylight Saving Time begins again this coming Sunday and the first day of Spring is just eight days later. Of course, just because the calendar says so doesn’t guarantee anything weather-wise, but it’s a mental thing. It’s a turning of the page, a step forward into the next phase of life.

We’re ready.


Join us over at the Ten Things of Thankful blog to link up your own pile of thankfulness. Link’s still open until Tuesday evening!

Click on the image below and follow the link to the blog.

Ten Things of Thankful