

March 28, 2020 Off By Lisa

Leslie turned her mug in her hands several times, exhaled a long, slow breath, then added her mug to the table beside Peter’s.

“I’d want a guarantee, I guess,” she said, shifting her focus toward repeated unsuccessful attempts to secure some wayward strands of hair behind her ear.

Leslie knew it was not in her nature to take a leap of faith without gauging some level of certainty about the outcome. This, of course, rendered the action not a leap of faith at all, but rather a calculated choice completely lacking in either courage or conviction.

“Safety is an illusion,” Peter said with his trademark unfaltering calm. “No great reward comes without tremendous personal risk.”


Written in response to this week’s Six Sentence Stories challenge, hosted by Girlie on the Edge. Each week writers are challenged to spin a tale in just six sentences. 

This week’s cue is SAFETY.

Click on the link right here to join us. Read some great stories and link up to share your own!


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